Everybody knows touch connects and heals.

A pomegranate is cut open and ready to be eaten.

Touch heals.
(photo Luigi Diamnti)

Everything we sense touches us.

We are born to use all 6 senses to heal.

Sensual thinking is how we will heal ourselves and our world.

Heal Thyself. Luke 4:23

Our senses are connectors. It’s common to sensually sync with each other. You have the energy to touch and heal with sensual thinking.

As wesync with music, a touch, the sound of a familiar voice, the taste of good food or a beautiful sunset, werefresh our mental and physical health. Notice what you sense. Observations punctuate life. Good health is complete mind/body/heart affair. When you think with your senses and feel with your mind, you feel complete.Your 6 senses are perfect connectors to our dreams, physical health and state of mind. Every sensual touch is felt by your heart. The fact is, you are perfect. Perfect comes from the latin root, ‘perfectio’ meaning, complete. Right now, you are complete

Sensual syncing is our discreet connection with good health, pleasure, safety and purpose.

What comes in through your ears and eyes may register in your head, but it bee-lines to your heart. That’s where honest connections for healing communication happen. The touch of eye-contact can make you smile or even blush. Everytype of sensual touch heals us.

Complete health and healing depends onintuitive filterslike courage and determination that wefeel. Theseguide us to be our highest selves as we choose toward health, satisfaction and destiny. By fine-tuning what you see, taste, hear, touch and smell, you begin to recognizethe natural healing touch of your own sensual energy.

Sensual boundaries,like courage, patience and dignity, are tools for intuitive living. Good health is a kind of harmony or peace of mind of body, heart and soul.

Courage heals. It’s not always rational. Yet, it’s part of who weare 24/7. It’s inborn intuitive glue that guidesand heals when times are rough. An attitude of courage is the organicway to heal yourself, and our world. Ahealingtouch is something everyone cansense. Enjoy a 360 degree connection with health. All parts of who you are matter and you are part of all that matters.

Thinking with your senses and feeling with your mind is an automatic 360° reality check. It’s the healing touch that keeps the path clear andyour dream in perspective. Perfect.

Visualize this and connect with perfect:

Sunlight streams off purple mist

From Incense Peak.

Far off, the waterfall is

A long hanging river

Flying straight down

Three thousand feet

Like the milky river of stars

Pouring from heaven.

– Li Bai (701-762)

Related post:

There Can Be Justice

book: Fine Tuning, Connecting With Your Inner Power

