Avoid Autopilot

Avoid Autopilot

Avoid Autopilot. Living is a gift. Today can never occur again. Grab it with the magic of your senses. Live richly. Entering the new day on autopilot is a trap. The cost is low self-esteem and missed opportunity. Autopilot is being numb to change. It is a disconnect...
The Power of Innocence

The Power of Innocence

Innocence speaks the language of the naked truth. It is our connection with courage and change. Severn Cullis-Suzuki is an environmental activist who gave this speech at the UN Earth Summit of 1992, when she was only 12 years old. Listen to it. Feel the passion of...


 Simple is what we sense. “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” Confucius Simple stuff to consider: You can see things more clearly, taste more to eat less, touch to renew your spirit, smell and be amazed, and hear humor, music,...
Feel With Your Mind

Feel With Your Mind

I got a text: Follow the Fellow Who Follows a Dream. Could dreams be feeling with your mind? Are they possibly a REM-level workout that keeps your brain healthy? If you think so, Dream On and then Follow Your Dream. It’s easy to connect with what you really feel...
Time Surfing

Time Surfing

Time Surfing is Sensual Thinking. Need time? LOL Time is more than a measurement of 86,400 seconds every day. In fact, time has texture. You feel it and can manipulate it. Timing is a skill. Time Surf Time surfing is intuitive thinking that expands time. It’s...