“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.~Richard Buckminster Fuller

Sensual thinking is our reality check.

We seek solutions on the web that feel right because what we sense and what we think work together. Sensing is how to we ride with the reality check of change.

Change is naturally a moving perspective. It is our energy-generating reality check of daily living. While your mind can be anywhere, it is always what you sense that keeps you in-tune with change by engaging your moments. Thinking with your senses protects you from walking into traffic, missing a call or wearing a bikini in the snow. Feeling with your mind is how to responsibly make connections, communicate and create your life.

With the internet and sensual thinking, we sync with change and each other. There are no hard-set limits. Instead, there are tools and boundaries to sync with the bigger picture. Using search engines without linear constraints, we know anything is possible. For example, to solve a problem we might see 2+2= 22 or play a game for insights.

Every choice you make matters. Everyone is part of the big picture.

With the internet and sensual thinking, every life is part of the big picture. We are entering a new Humanitarian Age. It’s natural to stay in touch with who you are, to achieve what you want, by maintaining a global perspective.

Sensual thinking, like search engine thinking, leads to unexpected ways of moving ahead. Change is constant but never predictable, so controlling it is an outmoded myth. Noticing what you sense is the only connection with momentum. To bring in the new humanitarian age, we are sensually syncing with values and each other to navigate change. Because we are in the flow with momentum, it is a process of new options, answers, ideas and solutions.

Change makes sense.

New ways of learning that resonate withNature, Technology and Music are tools and options for success. We’re outside the box. Recognizing that playing games can be a way of learning or that by using our senses to think, there is more time to live is liberating. By valuing dignity and curiosity, we respect ourselves and our world. We are responsible for the future.

Old thinking (dogmas, paradigms, etc) does not solve new problems. Responding to change is our intuitive connection with self-control and purpose. You thrive when in sync with ‘what’s happening’. For each of us, inner and outer world success depends on recognizing what is real and what is right. That is our private intuitive reality check.

When you think with your senses and feel with your mind, limits of politics and dogma disappear. There is less stress. Intuitive values are the global currency for transparent conversation and evolution. Intuitive choices are your connection with character. Using your intuition to filter decisions that keep you true to yourself and in sync with others is common sense.

Noticing what you sense is the productive and protective way to tune to change and discover opportunities. Attitude is part of the conversation when you hear what you sense. Sensual syncing, like eye contact, is vibrant. It’s as natural as the tides of the ocean.Momentum is the energizing ebb and flow of reality.

Like the internet, intuitive values circle the globe

Theseare practical tools that include dignity, courage, patience, determination and curiosity. Using them will protect you and keep your mind open to the unexpected. You will sense rhythm and momentum. Our sensesare natural protective filters. Intuition constantly adds transparency and insights to communication. Responding to change you sense maintainsbalancein your life.

New technology and thinking outside the box is the power of elastic thinking. Use it for the greater good.
Reality is powerful. The reality check of sensual thinking reaches around the world. This is the beginning of a new Humanitarian Age where, with a foundation of intuitive values, there is less stress, more time and constantly shifting realities.

Be Bold. Think Differently.


A pomegranate is cut open and ready to be eaten.

Connect With Destiny

