A pomegranate is cut open and ready to be eaten.

Anticipation is being in rhythm with your senses.

Intuitive anticipation feels good. It’s being in rhythm with what you sense. That’s when your attitude vibrates with the music in your heart.

Thinking with your senses and feeling with your mind keeps you moving with the beat.

Life is full of anticipation. It’s our connection with wanting. Anticipating that keeps you dancing to your heartbeat is joyous. It is the slow burning fire of your unique drive. When anticipation feels like enthusiasm, innocent wanting, foresight, tenacity or patience, things automatically fall in place.

Patience is the gatekeeper to anticipation that connects with pleasures and satisfaction. Our 5 senses constantly download the ever changing present. Noticing what you sense is the simple way to think with your senses. Healthy anticipation is being in rhythm with what you sense and what you want. Staying in touch with the big picture shows you the way to achieve it. Good timing is a natural result of thinking in sync with change.

Intuitive anticipation is part of the sly trickle of living. It’s the steady drip of passion into your blood that fires dreams and lubricates natural creativity. You can taste it in your mouth and sometimes in your belly. Anticipation makes you listen closer, look harder and want deeper. It’s intuitive to be in tune with what you sense down to your soul. Intuitive values are tools that keep connections open.

As a sensual thinker it’s easy to anticipate the pieces of Life coming together. It’s automatic to tune-in with your 5 senses by noticing what you notice, to find your groove. It’s comfortable to keep the big picture in focus, fine tuned by intuitive tools 24/7. Courage, loyalty, dignity, curiosity and patience all fuel anticipation. You can have what you’re looking for.

Stress driven anticipation happens, too. It’s driven by uncertainty or fear. At a meeting or a party or talking with a partner and grappling with confusion or boredom, this destructive thinking builds a wall of doubt between you and your inborn intuitive spark. That’s when it’s time to throw your hat over the wall and to get what you need.

“The Irish writer Frank O’Connor wrote how, as a boy, he and his friends would make their way across the countryside. When they came to an orchard wall that seemed too high and too doubtful to try and too difficult to permit their voyage to continue, they took off their hats and tossed them over the wall–and then they had no choice but to follow them.” ~ JFK

When you feel stress driven anticipation, the fact is you don’t need to ‘change‘ anything. Instead, to get where you want to be, change the way you see the wall. Do this by noticing what you sense. Then, walk through the wall in your mind to find what’s in your heart and feel the passion of your fire and your life. You sense direct access to your inner truth.

Thinking with your senses makes it instinctive to find inner harmony with change. Anticipate with an attitude of patience to uncover your foreplay for opportunity. By responding to what you sense with inner attitudes of courage, curiosity, patience or tenacity you update and fine-tune your abilities to anticipate and think outside the box.

Sensual intuitive thinking keeps you adept at putting pieces of Life together. Attitude is part of the conversation. The more you choose to think with your senses and feel with your mind, the greater your natural level of anticipation and confidence grow because you stand on a solid foundation that keeps the big picture in focus.

Anticipate your dream. Trust the song in your heart and use intuitive tools with your senses to find what you want. Patience and Carly Simon remind us that “These are the good old days.”

Carly Simon, ANTICIPATION, 1987, Martha’s Vineyard

