Our responsibility is to heal our planet and ourselves.

Every person and every form of Life matters. We are taking back the future.

We breathe the same air and drink same water. That makes us globally one. As we work together to heal our planet, we heal ourselves. Nature’s lessons and our future, is about balance.

We need to think differently.  The way  is to collaborate and communicate with mutual respect and shared values. Greed and suffering throw us and our planet out of balance . It takes courage, dignity, tenacity and curiosity  to bring change.

Gratitude for our planet and all the life it sustains is a good beginning. Intuitive values we share like dignity and courage form a collective moral force bringing us balance we need.

Sensual thinking is the simplicity of what we sense, the honesty of what we feel and the anchor of what we know from experience.

  • Our senses keeps us aware of choices.
  • Intuition guides us to recognize the bigger perspective and experience long-term satisfaction.
  • Balancing innovation with experience keeps us in the groove of change.

Change is  normal. Staying in step with change is done by staying clear about what does not change. Our ability to feel what is right does not change. In a crisis, everyone intuitively feels courage, dignity, patience, curiosity, determination, prudence, foresight, tenacity, grace and self-control in order to do what is right. When we do what’s right, we are never alone.

With over 300,000 people showing courage and tenacity by attending the Climate Change march this weekend in NYC, we are past barriers of invisibility. Around the world there are cries to heal our planet. We can be braver. We are evolving with an attitude of unity for our planet. Our lifeline is intuitive.  Our shared sense of right and wrong is transparent communication.

Sensing justice and truth crosses all age and cultural boundaries. Courage and curiosity are our flexible, cohesive foundation for working together for the greater good. We already think with our senses to know what’s present and feel with our minds to know what’s right.

Working together we are taking back the future.
