Nature is the master of change and secrets.

Secrets are like seeds. They are revealed when timing and conditions are ready. This is a time of blooming.  Bloom with style.

Like sparkle inside a ray of sunlight, you are part of  a bigger picture. It’s no secret that it’s time for change. You are energy like music and part of nature, like moonlight. Secrets are inside you.

Thrive with change by depending on the multidimensional energy you access with your eyes, mouth, ears, heart, skin and mind. Breathe deeply. Every breath, you inhale is sunlight, starlight and life.

Sensing is using our intuition search engine for good timing. Thinking sensually connects choices with both wisdom and fun. The ease to think differently will astound you.

Being wise is a physical commitment to trusting your gut. Determination is the lucid answer to avoid pitfalls of the matrix. Determination is a bond between mind and heart.

Like all things worth doing  blooming takes effort. Determination drives inner fuel. It has been said that how things are in the world is a reflection of the accumulated effort of people to follow the good within themselves. Tune-in to you

Secret #1 : Wisdom is physical. Effort counts.

While technology revolutionizes sense awareness, tuning us into social and world change, old ideas locked-in hidden secrets inhibit us. Don’t be passive. Talking less and sensing more keeps stimulates action. Think with your senses. Feel with your mind. Secrets of change are hidden in plain view.

Secret #2 : Change the way you think and things will change.

Common fears and ‘beliefs’ are propaganda, mostly commercially or politically generated. In fact, even though there is more ‘fear’ talked about than ever, gun violence is decreasing in big cities. Truth becomes obvious when we’re curious. Be curious. This is a liberating time of uncovering secrets in our lives that are lies. We call it transparency.


..”the biggest problem we have is not security, it is openness and communication.”
MAYOR BOB FILNER, of San Diego on the opening of a satellite city office across the U.S. border in Tijuana, Mexico.


Transparent thinking comes from from openness we sense when we’re in sync with the music in our heart. It’s stepping outside of dogma to recognize ideas that feel right. No matter how different politically or personally are, we are a world community. The way to create enduring social change is to do it together. Nature finds balance in diversity and so can we.


Universal intuitive values nurture us with openness and communication to weigh options and trust ourself. Sensing honesty reveals opportunities. It’s as important to know what we don’t like as it is to know what we do. Determination is passion of the soul. Use it to uncover secrets inside that are your dreams and values. Your power to sense connects with magic.


?Magic or Thinking Differently?


