Life is traveling to the edge of knowledge, then leaping off. #DHLawrence

We are thinking differently and leaping into the secure arms of Mother Nature.

What we sense is never random.

Everybody knows change is in the air. We are learning about ourselves. Noticing that gut feeling we sense clarity of place and affirm purpose.

The heart wants what the heart wants but change happens when it’s time. Being in-tune with our world and our senses makes it easier to know when to take the leap. Intuitive thinking is the skill of perspective so we recogize balance and understand the value of speaking up. The future is ours to create.

Nature has a track record for surviving and evolving. The  natural way  of flowing with change is to tune to the bigger picture perspective.

Change is liberating because there are no limits.

Perspective is a sense of timing and a sense of place.  Everything we sense impacts and broadens the dimensions of our thinking. Sensing is a body/mind/spirit experience we share that is can be intimate and can be universal.  Right now we’re sensing global stress that is environmental, social and personal. This is our sign to rise up.

When you notice what you see, hear, taste, touch and smell, your natural focus grows and becomes an intuitive nudge.  Sensing makes it easier to recognize details coming together. Intuitive thinking, like Nature, is naturally non-judgmental. Perspective bring freedom and energy to enjoy living.

Nature teaches survival.

Survival means tuning-in to our planet and each other.  It’s important to see the signs. Perspective is our edge. The unimaginable and the impossible happen. Time is a dimension we surf with our senses and timing is changing.  There are subtle rhythms in our lives and our world we need to recognize.  By feeling what matters, we find harmony within the ‘big picture’. Life is music.

Intuition is part of our survival instinct.

It is a collaboration of our senses, mind and heart that focuses on the bigger picture of life. An intuitive nudge is a wake up call to live with purpose and presence. Nature teaches rhythms of self-renewal. Feel her galactic heartbeat. Dance more. Daybreak follows the darkest night. Let the sunshine in!

No one is invisible. Your actions matter. Thinking with perspective is intuitive.  Balancing what you sense with what you feel brings integrity and passion to your choices.  Your intiuitive perspective is a sense of purpose that protects your heart and life. Personal honor matters. Integrity is the foundation of dignity, personal power and love.

Nature teaches the cosmic dance of seasons. It bonds us together to celebrate Life. For example, talking about the weather happens in every culture around the world. It matters to everyone. If you meet a stranger and don’t know what to say, talk about the weather – and you are instantly dancing.

Wild times.

Thought evolution is not about theories or good intentions. It is tuning into solid connection with soul. It’s noticing with our senses and feeling what’s right with our mind. Integrity is taking action that resonates with personal honor and humane dignity.

Perspective is how we sense connections. Intuition keeps us balanced. Our 6th sense constantly, protectively tunes to priorities. As the sun rises and sets around the world and in our hearts, we intuitively respond to rhythms. As we go through the portal of change, we must courageously strive for quality of life. Beginnings are always wild times.

Age of Aquarius.

We’re evolving into a determined and life affirming global consciousness. We are Nature – a continual source of spontaneity and potential.  Fine-tune your potential by noticing what you sense. Sensing makes the ordinary extraordiary.

Talking about Nature and Sensual Thinking at the Ode To Earth festival in Philadelphia this Saturday. It’s going to an action packed event! If you’re in the Philly area, check out the link! I hope to see you there. 🙂

Related article Multidimensional Thinking on Linked-In

