Everything changes

The simplest way to keep an open mind is to recognize that whether the glass is half-empty or half-full, more can always be added. Make the choice to be open to receive what you want, not what you fear. Trusting values is surprisingly empowering.

When you trust what you sense including that gut feeling, you stay clear about the present. When you respect your values, then, what you want becomes attainable. The future is ours to create.

Bad days happen, but they pass because things always change. Sensual thinking keeps you tuned to the big picture. Think with your senses and feel with your mind to follow rhythms of change.

A clear perspective takes us out of ruts of habit; so we keep dancing on the floor of living. Even on bad days, we need to move with change, we need to dance. Discover new options, new dance partners and your own moves. Be the change you want to see.  

Your world is not tiny; open your eyes and your heart. 

Everybody has problems. There is the story about a group of friends who got together at Starbucks. They decide to put their problems on the table. Seeing how horrible the others’ problems were, each grabbed their own back with a SOR and left. Perspective is a stress-buster.

The big picture is always available. Sensing is how we find perspective. There is always more going on than we imagine.  Be open to the unexpected.

  • Be curious. Trust what you sense to stay alert about what matters.
  • Listen to what feels right. It’s not about words, it’s about values like dignity and love.

If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins. #BenFranklin

Staying clear about doing what feels right, results in good timing and good luck. Curiosity keeps options clear. Dignity is self-respect, and courage happens automatically.

Things happen and Life is not easy. Choose for your values. The result of making hard choices to follow what feels right – no matter the criticism or loneliness– always results in self-esteem and self-respect. Amazingly, this fills our glass.

Life is a superb and dazzlingly lighted hall, which may be reached

only by passing through a long and ghastly kitchen. #ClaudeBernard

Fine Tuning Your Sensual Thinking
