by Jane Bernard | Nov 15, 2014 | Fashion
Time Surfing is Sensual Thinking. Need time? LOL Time is more than a measurement of 86,400 seconds every day. In fact, time has texture. You feel it and can manipulate it. Timing is a skill. Time Surf Time surfing is intuitive thinking that expands time. It’s...
by Jane Bernard | Nov 7, 2014 | Intuitivescribe
Feel what you notice with your heart/body/soul/mind. Vibrations Sensing what feels good is intuitive drive for personal freedom. In our busy lives, old ways of thinking make us prisoners to an invisible matrix of ideas where we feel stuck or not sure about...
by Jane Bernard | Nov 4, 2014 | Vibrations
Are you in the soul matrix? Do you feel trapped by the system? You are more than a brain.You think with your heart, soul and spirit. Respect this by being loyal to what you feel with your heart soul and spirit. Use sensual thinking to break out of the dogma-driven...
by Jane Bernard | Oct 31, 2014 | Intuitivescribe
Have attitude like Gandhi. Live your dream like MLK. Think with your senses. Feel with your mind. Sensing what you value is how to think different. It’s good judgment. “The hope of a secure and livable world lies with the disciplined non-conformists who...
by Jane Bernard | Oct 25, 2014 | Courage
The Power of Passion + The Power of Patience = The Power of Purpose Listen to what is inside of you right now and you will find balance. Use sensual syncing to untangle obstacles. Zero in on strategies that come from the heart. Life gets tangled. We go through storms...