Sensual thinking is code for understanding and driving change.

Freedom always matters. It’s clear that dignity and humanity balance the scale of justiceGrok what you are told. Anticipate with your senses to understand how things really come together.

Look with your heart to find answers that work. Solve the problem and make life easier. Turn over what you understand to investigate what’s real. Participate. The truth is a powerful thing.

The people — the people — are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts –not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it. #Abraham Lincoln

Honor, foresight and courage wrote the Declaration of Independence and cobbled a system for humanity 241 years ago. Our system needs an update. It’s the job of the people, by the people and for the people to evolve the system and maintain continuity of positive innovative disruption. We, the people – have the humane touch.

Step outside of the storyline and see things as they really are.

Every choice you make matters. Don’t compromise what you value. Instead, merge with infinite possibilities you can sense. Be brave. Stay fabulous. The future is yours to create. Use courage to look deeper and listen harder. It’s smart to be curious and weigh options. Think for yourself. Sense justice. Do what feels right and keep your sense of humorStay alert. Change that brings joy is usually unexpected.

Continuity is organic transitioning. This is a (r)evolutionary timeJustice and Freedom matter. What you choose to do can change everything. Being alive is the responsibility to Live fully. It’s a balance of responsibility and splendor. Stay tuned to your humane touch. Life is amazing.

Democracy is not capitalism.

Capitalism is an economic system that unintentionally rewards greed. Greed breeds corruption. Democracy is a responsible way of productively, efficiently working together for quality of life. We can create a healthy economic/political system that syncs with the eco-system of humanity.

Change is constant.

Options and opportunities are unlimited. It’s time to create a new humanitarian/terra age where balance, justice and freedom reign. We can upgrade 1776, and return democracy to a universal honor code.

We each possess a wise organic human touch of flexibility and balance. Focus on where you want to go with a fresh mind, not tied to dogma or commercial ‘reality’.  Notice what smells good to sense code and stay clear about what deeply matters.

…Stay hungry, stay foolish. #SteveJobs

