Welcome to the Transparent Sensual World.

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.# Gandhi 

Like invisible winds fan a flame, sensing clears our mind. Our 6th sense, intuition transparently keeps the present in focus.

Transparent insights always point to  love. Intuitive vibes like curiosity, frustration, tenacity, loyalty, courage, dignity and patience are survival strategies.

Sensing what’s real over-rides logic and history. Seeing, hearing tasting, touching and feeling automatically keep us present.

There is no pause button on Life.

Sensing what ‘makes sense’ is our re-fresh button.  Sensing what’s real and what’s right is brings peace of mind. A gut feeling is transparent common sense.


Our minds are hard drive, full of virus and spam. That’s why thinking can be confusing. Emotions are reactions driven by the past. That’s how emotional thinking is often destructive. Only energy we sense now drives the potential to realize dreams and find happiness.

Responding to challenges, opportunities and responsibilities takes strength. Syncing heart with each other and the bigger picture is intuitive collaboration. Together we are the future.

Sensing transparently cues our thinking. It’s easy to hear kindness, taste truth, touch moments and see love. Intuition self-renews energy that brings  awareness and connections with everything we value.

A gut feeling makes a point to clear confusion or doubt. Sensing highlights priorities and options, over-riding time or ideas. The invisible music of life is sensual. Listen to what you sense. Answers and love are everywhere.

Being honest with ourselves is our intuitive compass. Choices like courage and curiosity are intuitive strategies that shine through dogma to bring understanding.  Using common sense is how we find the natural balance of mind and spirit. We get cues that keep fate on firm footing.  Intuitive thinking builds harmony.

To change the world, change the way you think. #Gandhi

Intuition syncs with timing. It reveals logical priorities that constantly update. Sensing with heart and mind  keeps us tuned to soulChange is permanent.  Empathy is thinking sensually..
Honor, morality, good judgment and truth are transparent values that everyone recognizes. Being honorable reveals perspective and dignityWith these we find inner strength that unites us.

Thanks to search-engines we have a comfort zone navigating the unknown. The big picture is global. It’s up to each of us to stay clear and be honest about what we sense. To do what feels right, we may break many rules, but transparent thinking is always to Honor Life. We are all part of the same circle of Life. Transparency is seeing yourself inside the bigger picture.

Sensing what feels right cues us to respond to change with character, not emotions or thoughts.

Be brave. Access to wonder, love and opportunity is transparent. It is yours to sense. Traction is action. Ride the wind with dignity. Have fun.

Fate is something that happens to us and Destiny is how we respond.

Flex your thinking to find balance and success. Every choice is an act of creativity. Your sensuality is the continuous effort  of intuitive, creative thinking that is utterly transparent.

Beyonce sings Honesty by Billy Joel   

