What you sense is never random.

Einstein said, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind, a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant  and has forgotten the gift.” 

Use the gift. Our eyes, ears, taste, touch and smell are intuitive portals to creativity and understanding. Importantly, intuitive sensing is how we recognize good timing and know purpose. Everything you sense keeps you grounded and in touch with the bigger picture.

Simple sensing auto-syncs with the present and momentum. Our senses constantly refresh emotional and creative options to protect us from becoming isolated, angry, anxious or disappointed. Sensuality is the uniquely human gift that makes Life great.

We are naturally sensual. Thinking our senses we take leaps of faith and click what ‘feels’ right. That’s how love happens ‘spontaneously’.  The senses inform the mind  – a vital part of survival. What you sense and how you choose to respond changes everything.  Intuition is the spontaneous way we connect with humorcouragecharacter, charisma and creativity.

Balancing wisdom with innovation keeps priorities and values clear during times of stress and change. Noticing what you sense is the highway to recognizing options and realizing potential. There are always new ways of understanding how things come together and new growing pains. A gut feeling forces us to have a sense of perspective. Thinking with  6 senses guides us to stay on a fulfilled, healthy track.

In the past, we trusted social and political dogma for solutions – even when it was broken/out-dated or corrupt. We were taught ‘absolute answers’ that we ‘needed to accept’. In this way, we were taught to learn by accepting limits. The past is behind us.

Justice is working together in harmony. It is not all being the same. Accept what feels ‘right’ and reject what is wrong. Life is not easy. Use intuition to sense love, fairness and harmony. A gut feeling is the ‘gift’ of a ‘call to action’.

Think with your senses to recognize inspiration, satisfaction and help at your fingertips . Use what you sense to adapt to change that frees your spirit. Sensuality is a multidimensional. Intuitive thinking has no guilt, judgment or cruelty.

Intuition is something we feel, not something we think. Self-respect is natural happiness and intuitive dignity. Intuitive sensuality is the surprising aphrodisiac that brings peace of mind. Use your gifts to open your   mind. Notice what you notice. Sync with change to stream with success. Enjoy the gift of  Life.

Intuitive tools.

The left column is language that referred to iconic intuitive tools in the 20th century. The right column is how we word them today.

Old Speak Today
Foresight self-defense
Patience space to breathe
Curiosity senses, mind, spirit, heart
Prudence options
Tenacity commitment to myself
Dignity self-respect
Determination follow through, tough love
Self-Discipline intuition
Courage my lifeline
Grace personal forgiveness

An open mind means you control fresh choices and your future. Be your potential: Think Sensually.

