The future is no more uncertain than the present.

– Walt Whitman, 1856

No matter what I start to write about, my words turn to love. Love heals, forces change, confirms faith and gives us the power to be great.

Great love, like great justice, is insistent harmony that won’t be denied.  Harmony in the home,  in the heart and in our world depends on it.

Love and freedom are 2 sides of the cosmic orgasm of light that brings joy to Life. Everybody knows love is the ultimate solution to human problems but when subject comes up, we forget the all the answers.

Trust the voice of your heart to taste the strength and feel the power of love. Challenges of global upheaval and daily uncertainty unsettle until we remember that the answer is love – the strong demanding kind that heals.

I know that love is ultimately the only answer to mankind’s problems. And I’m going to talk about it everywhere I go. I know it isn’t popular to talk about it in some circles today. And I’m not talking about emotional bosh when I talk about love; I’m talking about a strong, demanding love. MLKjr. #courage

The spark of soul.

Approach challenges and the unknown from the place of love and things work out. Intuition is the spark of soul.  The gut feeling is crystal-clear insight where understanding problems and sensing answers happens in a breath. When we choose love, persistence marries patience and becomes passion. Our hearts open a new dimension. Follow the spark of soul.

In every Lifetime, Love is the greatest high.

Sense the love inside. It chimes with every beat of your heart. Don’t take love for granted because the foundation will crumble. Strong love is the great enabler. It is the key.

Fine-tune your senses.

Protect your heart. Use your intuitive radar to sense the demands of courage, freedom, kindness and justice –  and love will hold you. Through upheaval and pain, love and kindness unites us.

Trust intuition and you will find love roaring through your veins. Love Freedom. Love Life. Love Dignity. Love Courage. Love Humility. It is always the right time to tune to love.

The lens of Love is angel wings of self-respect.

Loving is gentle enough to tickle and wise enough to ride the wind. It is stronger than a promise and takes things as they come. The textures and edges of love are demanding voices of justice and truth. Dignity with love is the key to satisfaction. Ask questions. Self-respect is the strategy for healthy decisions.

The Grace of Love

Love highlights possibilities and brings dreams into focus. You can notice it everywhere.  Love is the elixir of Life. We are made by love. When trees worship the sun and wolves howl at the moon, it’s love.  Open your heart to the magic.

Even talking of love flames instant needs and desires. Love and Life are unpredictable. We are part of something much bigger. Everybody knows the feeling. No matter what’s going on, the answer is to love.  #janebernard

“Bigger”, Beyonce

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photo credit: Ralph Cohen
