Stay connected with strategies that come from the heart.

Life gets tangled. We live through storms and don’t know how long they will last. Tangles turn into knots. We may blame ourselves. When the big picture gets lost, passions fade. Stay untangled. Notice what you sense. Connect.

Fine-tune what you see, hear, taste, touch and smell to stay connected with the heart of your needs. Talk less; sense more. Listen with your ears, eyes, mind and spirit. The power of passion always kicks-in when we use intuitive tools like courage, tenacity, patience or dignity to find answers. Sensing automatically resets focus and primes clarity. Be gentle with yourself. The truth is never jarring.

The power of perspective is important and exciting. You know much more than you realize. You can pick-up the slack  and stay connected to what matters by sensing the bigger picture. It’s intuitive to build passions that vibrate connections with funspirit and common sense.  Thinking with our senses keeps the present in focus.  Feeling with our mind protects long-term priorities.

Different challenges need different solutions. Sensing keeps us tuned to the present. Sensual thinking connects choices with good timing and variety. Our intuitive perspective is spontaneous. That’s why it’s natural to sync with change and love.

Frustration and doubt throw us off balance

Tune to simplicity you sense,  honesty you feel and the anchor of experience. You  will discover balance and traction you need for satisfaction. Noticing what we sense leads to a relaxed state of mind.

Intuitive tools like courage, dignity, patience, curiosity and tenacity tap into inner strength to keep you on track with purpose.  Patience is the intuitive reality check that saves time and undoes confusion. Don’t be afraid to trust it to stay connected.

Life is finite, don’t waste time fighting change. Think sensually to have momentum and connection. Use intuitive strategies of courage, tenacity and dignity to keep resilient focus you need to stay true to yourself.

Like music, life has many notes, refrains and melodies. Dance more. Feel the music in your heart. Discover your intuitive power to connect with change. When life gets tangled:

  • Have an attitude of forgiving. Often the person to forgive is you. Anger and regret are detours that tangle. The past is history. You are here now. Today is an opportunity to stay connected to the voice in your heart.
  •  Be bold. Change rooms in your mind for a day.

Be observant. See what’s going on to be in sync with the big picture of your life and our planet. Answers are blowing in the wind.


Reprint from Sensual Thinking
