Thinking sensually renews original bonds with life.

Sensual healing is always happening.

When we connect what we sense with what we feel and know, it’s instinctive to tune-in to optimum health. Sometimes it’s common sense, like washing your hands. Because living is a process, we are always healing in some way.

Being healthy is more than a system of symptoms and solutions.It’s a big pictur e perspective. Participate in the healing. All parts of you matter and you are part of all that matters.

Let your heart dance with your smile and drive the sharpness of your vision. The fact is: you are perfect. Perfect comes from the Latin root ‘perfectio’, meaning complete. Right now – no matter where you are or what you’re doing – you are complete. Pay attention.

From birth, the first way we know life is through our senses. Seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and touch are organic ways we bond and heal. Sensing is how we connect with what we ache for. It’s natural to be in tune with good mental and physical health by responding to sensing right and wrong.

Don’t think about it; just do it. Talk less and sense more.  Tune to what you see. You know more than you realize. Protect yourself.  Listen to your mind and body. Pay attention to the voice of your heart.

Simple things heal and protect us. Soap and water kill germs. Music removes the rust of stress. Colors and seasons unlock the grip of time. Telling the truth opens doors to peace of mind. Life is poetry.

Healing is part of the conversation of living. Ignoring what we sense leads to an unhealthy lockdown of frustration that creates dis-ease or magnifies depression. We are off-balance. Tuning-in to yourself sense physically, emotionally and from the gut boosts healing momentum.

Everything we do goes under our skin and tunes-in to our state of mind. Sensual focus naturally opens the bigger picture. If you listen with only 1/2 your mind, you only get 1/2 the message. Life is easier when you think sensually. Courage and curiosity are intuitive ways we sync with change that brings a healthy fairness and balance to life. Be loyal to yourself.

Every kind of healing requires intuitive strategies like courage, dignity and curiosity. Use your gut to find answers, understanding and new relationships. Ease, peace, contentment, energy and passion are vital parts of good health.

Sensing balance is an effortless connection with the present that feels great. Balance is a portal to good health, peace of mind and awareness of love and understanding. Like day turns into night, healing is renewal. Sensual thinking renews connections with communication, justice and freedom. Intuitive health bonds with self-respect and Love.

I’ve learned that I can talk with my eyes, listen with my skin and taste what I hear.  As my 5 senses bring me focus, my 6th sense, intuition, becomes obvious. With curiosity and courage, I experience healthy abandon of the big picture and discover happiness.

Intuitive thinking takes me right to my heart where I connect with dignity. Dignity makes us feel light. It uplifts mental health. Being intuitive is a sensual stream of self-respect that restores connections with balance and the big picture. Mental health and physical health are part of the same picture.

Health is personal. Organic connections are transcendent rhythms that stabilize Life. When I make sure to notice what I notice, my heart sends rhythms that brings my skin to life. Sensual connections excite, heal and inspire me.

Marvin Gaye: Sexual Healing

It’s simple and relaxing to fine your senses. Download: Fine Tuning Your Sensual Thinking for a guide.

