Give yourself a chance to be really happy.

Be thankful for sunlight & daydreams.

Let your mind wander and stretch out over the horizon. Open up to sky. You are potential.

A whole beautiful universe full of the unexpected and unimaginable is inside you.

Courage is your inner spiritual warrior. Hold tight to your soul to access answers & potentialYou’ve got this.

Talk less, sense more. You are amazing. Open up to your creative and productive power.

Life keeps moving. Walk away from anything that gives you bad vibes.

Courage keeps happiness in focus.

Your generous heart never stops sending love racing thorough your body. Inhale deeply and feel it.

Breathe deeply. You are a vital force of energy and values. Your inner spark of integrity, fresh insights, enthusiasm, unspoken passions and courage is alive. Sense your inner music.

Everyone struggles. Be kind to yourself and others. Everyone yearns for connection, love, security and peace. Instead of pushing your head to accept what feels wrong, open your eyes and heart to sense gifts in your life. Give yourself a chance to be really happy.

Intuition automatically by-passes stress and negativity so that insights and dreams become attainable. Trust it and brand-new fields of possibility appear.

Your values are important. There are many ways to find what you need. Align  with courage to keep happiness in focus. Self-respect and compassion are cosmic love.

Align with the voice of your heart.

Intuition is your private exulted trove of truth, dignity and soul. It’s the voice of your heart.

Love. Dance more. Eat when you’re hungry and let your tongue savor every bite. Take a shower and get lost in the way water feels. Smile and let your eyes relax.
Be grateful for little things. Gratitude is our intuitive path to satisfaction. It is yours to choose.
In the rhythms of life, the stealth courageous melody is dignity and curiosity that brings opportunity and healing.

Intuition is a soul caress.

Intuition is the soul caress that opens your eyes, heart and mind. It’s a nudge to boost, fix, change, have, allow, recognize and do. Ignoring intuition is like walking around with eyes closed. We keep bumping into walls or falling off edges.

When self-respect & soul lift and lead our precious journey it’s easier to rise above fear and anger. Love. Pursue what is personally interesting and socially meaningful. There are so many reasons to be happy.

Courage keeps love alive.

Courage and Love are intuitive  portals to inner power and peace. These intuitive gifts protect our quality of life.

Courage is soul energy keeping values and dreams alive. When we trust our gut, courage is swift and spontaneous. Without it we betray ourselves, which feels awful. Without courage, happiness vanishes.

Powerful beauty.

Life is powerful beauty. You are Life. Tune to the unique courage and beauty in your spirit.  You don’t need permission to honor your heart.

Sense your boundaries and purpose. There is no time better than now to be productive and creative. That’s happiness. You’ve got this.

