True peace isn’t the absence of tension. It’s the presence of justice.

Needing justice never stops. Justice is not an algorithm. It cannot be programmed or demanded. It’s presence with purpose, compassion and self-respect. Bringing justice  is not being color blind. It’s being real. The fight for human rights bleeds from generations of wounds. Justice will not be denied.

Wheels of change turn and the grind is fine. Courage isn’t optional. In the pursuit of justice, do not let violence win your heart. It’s a trap. Dignity stands with justice. Use courage to sense the power of love to meet obstacles with dignity.

Justice is the pot of gold.

Change  is more intense than we imagine. Everyone has a role. Use your eyes, ears, mind and heart to observe, learn and improve. Our differences make us beautiful.

Rainbows are colors that together land in the pot of gold. We all want it. The only way to get there is together. Justice is presence. Everybody can sense it. Justice is accountable.

Loving is the persuasive thrust of courage. Love harder and love will surprise you. It’s resilient and does not judge.  Love from the soul is independent presence that demands self-respect.

Focus from your heart on freedom and justice and there is nothing to fear.  This is a crossroads.  Use courage to hear new answers. Organize and educate for presence and purpose.

Justice is organic. Courage is the flame of dignity. We are the heart of what is. The picture is changing.  Ingrained racism in the fabric of society is being shredded. Courage and love are our power.  No stone goes unturned.

Weed out synthetic values

Don’t buy into mass hype because it has nothing to do with you. Old ways that are dried up or corrupt are a trap. Media is a rabbit hole of misinformation and shady options. The yellow brick road we’re on is littered with scarecrows and cowardly lions. Tin men and women worship the system.

If someone sells out, that’s their problem. You know who you are. You don’t need permission to think for yourself.  See the biggest picture. That’s the place of justice.

Life is precious. We are dying of a disease that makes no sense. Don’t let priorities blur. Everyone is facing the grime and folly of past choices. No more cover-ups. Enough is enough. Curiosity with open eyes, mind and heart is a noble passion and courage is pure soul-dignity. That’s who we are.

There is no comfort zone.

Tension is part of change. You are part of something bigger than pain.  It’s no secret that our spirit is always talking to us. Sense the truth. Character and courage are common sense.  The answer is always love.

See love letters in the clouds or joy in a baby’s smile. There is music in your heart. Feel who you love even if they are a galaxy away. Let your presence resonate with love, and courage will lift you up.

Healthy change uproots habits that deny self-respect. The path of transformation is lit. Large clear guide-lines of courage, patience and dignity are visible. Being present means being very clear about personal, political, social and spiritual boundaries.

Talk less and sense more. Find even the smallest opportunity to create change.

True peace.

Great power unites with fundamental principles of what is right and just. It never degenerates into mere force. Greatness and Justice bonded together cannot be destroyed. Patience is a powerful weapon. Patience and self-respect are intuitive tools.

Together, we are the power. Patience infused with courage is presence. It is true peace. Trust your gut. Intuition is presence that drives clarity.

Life squeezes us through narrow spaces. Inescapable truth that must be addressed is not always pleasant. Justice will not be cheated. Use dignity to build community. Collaborate, coordinate and build a new tomorrow. Moral courage is soul – an intuitive blast of faith, attitude and confidence.


Martin Luther King radiated courage, love and patience. His presence  and passion focused with dignity, opened doors and got answers. You have presence. Your spirit burns with purpose and your heart knows what it needs. We are made from love.

The foundation for justice is truth.  All life deserves to be treated with respect and dignity.

The November election is a vote for humanity. Imagine peace, justice and nourishment for all.  Society will never be perfect but there are answers whose presence is waiting to be discovered.  Revolution is not a onetime event. #AudreLorde 

Think with your senses to be present. Feel with your mind to have perspective. Your ideas matter. Today matters.

Make a positive difference.The future is now.

I Can’t Breathe – H.E.R.

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