The naked truth is an intitive zone of dreams, passions and values alive in your heart. Intuition, like the truth, is independent.  Being intuitive is the skill of being in a crowd, without being part of the group mentality. Listen to your heart.

When the lips are silent, the heart has a hundred tongues. #Rumi 

Intuition reinforces integrity. It is courage and dignity that brings balance, perspective and compassion to choices. Your inner truth is the power and freedom of a mind stripped of dogma. Thinking intuitively by noticing what you sense is a bold, exciting stroll on the wild side because things stay in focus

Using intuition is thinking for yourself.

Live with courage.

When our eyes, ears and heart are open, time slows down to accommodate what matters. Intuitive answers point to truth and peace. Noticing what you sense strips away stress and uncovers options. Everything is possible when priorities are clear. Inner freedom is trusting values and boundaries.

You are energy, always evolving. The more you choose to notice, the more explicit the sensual tease of the truth becomes. Boundaries like self-respect and dignity bring safety and direction. Understanding what matters makes it natural to flow with change, and easy to sense melodies of love.

The subject is always love. Today is happening just once. Your senses tune to the present and stay vibrant. Trust your heart. Honor your soul. Life is amazing.

You know what you need.

The naked truth is passionwonder and starlight in our veins.  Justice  matters. Freedom matters. Love matters.

Be curious. Stay loyal to your heart. Notice what protects you. Trust what feels kind. Enjoy the gift of the naked truth. See, feel, taste, hear and sense the moments.

Everything changes. When faced with decisions, tune to inner dignity, patience and courage to find certainty. Talk less and sense more. Be present with no baggage or expectations. Respond to challenges with courage.

Uncover your heart.

The naked truth protects your heart. It shines with courage, dignity and tenacity that is present and protective. Self-respect is intuitive self-defense.  Uncover your fearless and focused heart.

