Feel what you notice with your heart/body/soul/mind.
Sensing what feels good is intuitive drive for personal freedom. In our busy lives, old ways of thinking make us prisoners to an invisible matrix of ideas where we feel stuck or not sure about what’s wrong. It’s mental bondage. The worst kind of bondage is when there’s a ‘nudge’, but we don’t realize we’re enslaved.
The ‘nudge’ means, it’s time to reconnect with your potential. Pause for a minute to see, taste, touch, feel and remember you have a heart, body and soul. Slowing down to really connect with the big picture of your life saves time by freeing you from feeling stuck.
Sometimes I get so busy, I don’t realize that I’m doing things the way I’ve always done them, and that’s why the results are the same. LOL The matrix is not a cool place. Freedom means accessing leverage, momentum and new choices. To notice what’s new, think outside the box.
Energy you sense automatically syncs with change and drives you to master personal freedom. Use it to tune in to who you are and your real needs. Be multidimensial. Think with your senses and feel with your mind. Take the most advantage of this time in your life.
Intuitive Ways to overcome being stuck in a cycle of mental-bondage:
- Collaborate with others and the interwebs to find answers. Keep an open mind.
- Stay outside the box of the expected by noticing what you sense to tune to what’s real.
- Keep communication transparent with intuitive filters of dignity, courage, patience and tenacity. Don’t settle.
- Connect your inner passion with your mind by being curious. Use determination to stay connected with natural momentum. Breathe.
- Never sacrifice sincerity. Stay in tune with your sense of truth. Be kind.
Follow hunches. = $$$
Be Part of Change:
- Don’t focus on the past unless that is where you want to be. Look forward, and that is where you will go.
- Throw off inner emotional bullies. Dwelling on problems leads to emotional lockdown which is mental bondage. Use determination and the idea of possibility to stay aware of what’s really happening in the present. Be part of change.
- People who are negative all the time are toxic. Be sympathetic but keep moving. Life is always changing. Good and bad will balance when you keep moving.
- Say no when a proposed new commitment won’t work for you. Be true to yourself to avoid burnout and depression.
Honor your sense of purpose and give space for your personal needs.You were born to be amazing.