
Justicetruth and love are resilient and so are we. Pre-covid I bopped in and out of the city wearing dark red lipstick. Now I wear a red mask. I love NYC and the spontaneous 24/7 creative energy.

I look forward to grabbing a slice at 2AM, eating it with strangers. The bakeries, the bars. People on subways and street corners, lovers standing close, musicians sharing inspiration, people with plans – and the excitement that will return.

Transcend the mask.

A mask doesn’t cover a voice. Speak plainly about justice, stand-up for truthexpress love. Look for balance and connections. Even with the mask, intuitive choices unlock potential to over-ride limits. The future is ours to create.

Sensing inner connections is the language of possibility. Sensing with heart highlights focus and clarity.  Bonds we need are screened in the head and highlighted at the heart. You are brighter than you know.  The flame burns inside.

Behind masks, we are hard and soft, old, young, coping, curious, dreaming and hungry for happiness. It all matters. The inner light is on. Don’t ignore it. Freedom is precious. Hearts trapped by masks of time or loneliness or denial need to come out.

Faces tell stories – the moist joy of smiles, a dry line of sarcasm, open grins with gaping teeth. Exhaustion, excitement, anticipation, anxiety, elation and peace are written on a face. I never thought about lips so much. Emotions, seeded with lips, root in the heart and can grow unspeakable desires and dreams. Every smile is cellular, unique and magnetic.

Indulge in sensual thinking. Let the gentle kiss of curiosity open your mind. There is magic. If eyes are the window to the heart, is the mouth a sign-post of soul?  The way a mouth curves with words. The way lips part with surprise. Lips are exciting. Faces are maps.

Don’t let the mask throw you off-balance.

Masks are an absurd inconvenience in an absurd time, making a profound statement. Behind the mask is self-respect. We are brave. There is a lot of work to do.

Bravery keeps us steady. For balance and bravery our thoughts bounce with values like justice, truth and love. Intuition nudges us with courage, patience, dignity and curiosity that are indisputable. This is the beginning of glorious transformation.
Never let a day pass without learning something. Create new rituals that are meaningful and uplifting. The path is open to build a more humane world where dignity and courage are valued.

Dignity and heart bring renewal and forgiveness. Dignity, self-respect, and faith in tomorrow are intuitive tools that transcend separation, isolation and loneliness. Sensuality is presence that fortifies dreams.

When heat of a moment is balanced with  perspective of the heart, tangible harmonies form. Sense access to your heart. Start by going easy on yourself. We are all naked behind the mask.

Our insanity.

Even if this is insanity – it’s our insanity. We can handle it.
That birds of sorrow and despair fly around your head, you cannot prevent. But that they build a nest in your hair, this you can prevent. Chinese proverb

When the sun shines, bathe in it. The future offers itself to our imaginations. Be curious. Trust values like justice, truth and love that thread through time. Hold them with your heart.

Every part of our being is moving towards balance. Love holds us tight even when Life tilts. When we recognize love and forget all the answers, the mask fades away.

The present is all consuming. Smile behind the mask. Humor refreshes the soul, and as distractions slip away, our choices are reset with values and purpose. Perspective returns. Be grateful.  #janebernard

Enjoy The Galaxy Song by Monty Python & Let Aretha make you feel:
