The universe has bigger plans for us than we imagine.

Your dream doesn’t have an expiration date. Take a deep breath in, and a long, slow breath out and keep going. You are changing the world because you are here. Live boldly.

Flexibility, accountability and integrity point to what matters as we travel the portal of time. Sense your options and boundaries. Every choice is an opportunity to trust your heart.

Boldness is activated by a sacred blend of bravery & wisdom that drives us to exceed expectations, to love and to dream. It’s the engine behind every breath.

Sense what’s here for you. Cultivate self-respect and courage by listening and speaking from the heart. Notice the importance of giving and receiving. Kindness, even when not appreciated, hits the mark.


Traveling through time, life is a work in progress. Trust your gut. Change is notoriously hard and equally inevitable. Basic assumptions fade because change is our birthright. Activate intuitive powers to heal and grow.  Reject life patterns that don’t serve you.

Instability driven change is the global unifying energy of our era. The energy keeps us alert. We’re all in the same boat – might as well talk about how to keep it from sinking. Together we are unstoppable.

We learn about ourselves from others. Talk to strangers. Everyone is different, yet we need each other to survive. Use courage, be cautious and reflect.  Courage keeps us present. Being cautious prevents bad choices. Reflection renews passions. It’s powerful to recognize the biggest picture.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. #MargaretMead


Answers come with practice and desire. Automatic physical awareness through our senses boosts awareness and compassion. You have desire. Trust it. Be sensual. Notice what you see, hear, taste, touch and smell. Practice tuning-in. Link your mind with your beautiful heart.

We protect ourselves, each other and our planet with courage, caution and reflection. Change drives us spiritually to make new connections and form closer relationships. Boundaries that keep us safe are intuitive. Breathe deeply. The inner voice of dignity, self-respect and kindness never deserts you.

What lies behind you and what lies in front of you pales in comparison to what lies inside you.


Express your ideas. We only get to where we want to be when we are bold enough to trust what feels deeply right. Honor your heart and something beautiful will happen.

Awareness is strength that leads to healthy change. Change brings a new perspectives. Growing removes blinders.  Let go of the familiar. Let your mind and senses stretch out to share happiness. Be grateful. Look for what you want to create. It will lead to something wonderful.

Boldness is the beat of your heart. Find the rhythm and feel the music of spirit. Listen to it with your mind. Life is delicious.  Live boldly.

Rapsody in Blue #GeorgeGershwin
