We are wired for self-repair.

An intuitive nudge is the insight that answers to a highest power. When your mind gets jammed, listen to your gut.

Intuition is perspective that keeps Life in focus.  Sometimes it’s time to take a break, and kiss the sky.

We have purpose, destiny and distractions. There is too much stress and unjust suffering. Don’t tune out. Distractions force us to choose what matters.

The past is in ruins but the present is still in play. Notice what you sense. Be open to alternatives and realities. Life is an amazing gift.

Stress drives us to withdraw into programmed corners of our mind. That’s how we lose enthusiasm or forget to laugh at ourselves. Remember to live. Represent love.

Side-effects of stress shut down sensuality. It jams our mind so much, we ignore the gentle kiss of sunlight or don’t feel the wind’s intimate touch on the tender skin beneath our ears. Stress shuts down the pleasures and power of curiosityRise above the side effects and kiss the sky. Let clouds drift by.

We live fully by helping each other. Letting people in and working together,strengthens lights of compassion along the path of love. Greatness is never solitary.

Everything changes except the kiss of soul that stirs our blood.

Good health, safety, love, dreams, responsibilities, the unknown, the unknowable, the freedom to choose…all of it changes.  Life is utter magic. Joy found in freedom is the excitement of power and the balance of  self-control that keeps priorities in focus.

Kindness is the highest form of wisdom. Be kind. Destiny is best to meet with eyes, ears, mind and heart wide open. Being  in sync with values is the path of destiny.


Purpose can be elusive. We have to search to sense it. You know how you feel. Every morning there’s a new dawn, a new day, a new choice. Feel good. Like the wind, like rivers, like time, life flows. Everything changes.

Don’t lose yourself in the swirl of paranoia or prejudice. These poisons age us. Curiosity is the secret fountain of youth that keeps options open. It’s the skill of an open mind you were born with. Magic and miracles happen quickly and are easy to miss. Keep the doors open.

Don’t lose yourself.

Stress and fear are suckers that burrow under our skin. Protect yourself. Take a stand for fairness, dignity and compassion. Be uncompromisingly honest with yourself. Protect your skin.

Protect your health by washing your hands often. Protect your mind by letting go of anger.

Be present.

The only way out is through. Choose to be way better off. Use today to take action that feels dignified and generous. Every choice impacts goals you have set for yourself. Don’t get distracted from your values by what doesn’t feel good.

A heart full of humility over comes a head full or doubt. It takes changing ourselves first before we can change the world.  No matter what it takes, it’s worth it. #janebernard

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