The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion. #AlbertCamus

Today corruption, destruction, suffering and appalling ignorance force us to rebel. Don’t fall into old ways of change that are short-sighted, rude or crude.  Rebel with dignity, compassion and integrity. This is your time.  Plan to make life better long-term. You will change the world.

The future is knocking at our door.

The age of change rubs against our legs like hunger or something sexy and we adapt. Change drives us to act. Responding with integrity is smart. Personal integrity is personal freedom. If stress pushes you to act, talk to your heart first to find courage and kindness. Ask for help from yourself.

Being honest is power.

Life is not fair. The pressure can make us a lose part of ourselves and then search for it. Stay free. Remember who you are. Personal honesty is the beat of your heart. It is the skyhook of freedom and the anchor of  peace of mind.

Be honest with yourself. Dignity shines on what matters. Courage is the force-field of integrity. It is a shield above the stress. Responding to changes with integrity relieves stress and intuitively links us with love, justice, kindness, courage and each other.

Who thinks with your mind?

Only you. Search for answers that respect your life and our world. What’s deeply important resonates with self-respect. Air, water, all life and personal freedom need protection. Focus your time and energy on what is just. Intuitive values activate the natural high of living where everything flourishes. Even when we get lost, integrity always leads back to our roots.

Stress is destructive, emotional manipulation that feels urgent. Don’t respond to the shady trap of stress. Breathe deeper to be clear about what you sense. Courage, kindness and dignity are intuitive tools that break bonds of stress. Reinforce personal freedom by trusting your gut.

Doing the right thing always turns out to feel good inside.

Intuition is pure soul focus on personal justice and character. Tenacity and forgiveness with ourselves and each other keeps our words and choices in tune with change and good times. It is only by seeing the results of what we do that we know who we are. Integrity makes sure we like what we see.

Around us there is hunger, suffering, cruelty, corruption and ignorance.  Reach out to give others dignity. While one person suffers no person is free. Integrity is energy that respects and enhances the freedom of everyone. There is a lot of loveSpeak up. Even little sounds have big echoes in times of change.

We need each other.

Intuitive insights and shared values bring happiness and connections with good people. Friends with shared values and goals are true riches. Satisfaction comes from accomplishing things in cooperation with others. No one can it take away.

We have needs because we’re human. We have responsibilities because fulfilling purpose and knowing satisfaction is how we complete needs that come with the freedom to dream. Dreams drive us to hear the voice of our inner heart.  There are endless ways integrity satisfies needs.

The future is ours to create.

Rebel your way. Count on integrity to evolve with dignity, creativity and purpose. The future starts today. The way we deal with change, changes the status quo. It’s more than satisfying, it’s exciting.  Be the change you want to see.

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