“The quest not only begins in the heart, but also ends there.” Paul Brunton

Sensual thinking keeps us holding hands.

While our intuitive 6th sense keeps us in touch with bravery and wonder, our 5 senses take us there. Everything you sense equally reports with amazement– to the heart, brain and soul. Life is amazing.

Tuning to what you sense exposes connections between what you know, what you want and who you are. Sensing expands your mind.  Sensing with your mind and heart is how to be your own best-friend. You know more than you realize. Intuition is our organic connection with purpose. Sensing what feels right keeps you moving towards what you want.

Love is the powerful quest that notoriously tantalizes our senses. When we’re in sync with love,our eyes shine and our step is confident. We feel love in our hearts, between our legs, buzzing our throat and with our gut.

When it comes to love, like ice-cream on a steamy day, we swallow the silky nuances, sometimes hardly tasting flavors until we’re nearly done. Or, we prolong the pleasure, and roll flavor around, sweetly cooling our tongues, letting the creamy silkiness coat our throat. We think sensually to know pleasure and truth in the quest for love. Sensing is the foundation for smart decisions.

Truth is clear to see, hear, taste, touch and smell. Our senses can be explosive when we notice them. Trusting truth you sense is trusting your heart. We are born to be amazed and inspired by our abilities to sense.

Whether the sensual spark is wonder, bravery, patience or curiosity, we use it to anchor and know ourselves. Sensing right and wrong is our protective confidence connection. When you notice what you sense with your mind and heart, you know yourself, you feel dignity and find love. When you meet a person whose quest connects with your own, love is harmony and destiny.

Poets write about the joy in our hearts, but their words live in the storage bin of our brains and get buried under stuff. The brain functions as our hard drive. We often format ideas with rules or confusion or doubt. Thinking sensually cleans the hard drive of our minds.  It keeps us authentic from the heart.

Because life is not a bowl of cherries, we forget how lucky we are to be alive and that’s when we lose the heart connection. Love comes through awareness. Real living is honest. Intuitive awareness is knowing what’s important to you. Everything you choose with sensual thinking leads the quest for truth and love.

It’s natural to seek peace of mind. All you have to do is respond to what you sense from the heart – with bravery, love and truth to know what is right.  Being curious to know the bigger picture, keeps us real.

The Dakotah Indians didn’t have a word for “love”. Instead, they said, “I know you.” It meant: I feel your heart, your essence, your soul. Sharing the authenticity of what we sense is intuitive.

Our eyes, ears, heart, skin, mouth and nose are easy connections with the simplicity of wonder. Our mind and heart sense inner truth and direction that eases living forward.

Destiny connects with dreams and love. Listen with the ear of your heart. Choices connect with destiny. No matter what we seek, it’s ultimately Love we want.

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