Millions wonder if they are going to eat.

Hunger hurts.

It’s hard to think with an empty belly. Missing a meal disrupts rational thinking and impacts health. Around the world millions are starving. And starving people do what they need to do to survive.

Extreme hunger has spiraled out of control. Children, the elderly, college students, families, the sick and the brave go to sleep hungry.

Food Insecurity is our undiscussed pandemic. The crisis is terrifying. Many are forced to choose between having food or paying rent; many go without food to feed children. Globally, no age or culture is untouched. The stress is felt around the world.

The war against hunger is truly mankind’s war of Liberation.#JFK

Food = Life

Food is our fuel. This, like the clean air and water is not negotiable. We can see what’s going down. Our eyes are open. We’re awake. Logic, experience and heart are intuitive tools for survival. Hunger is ugly and cruel. Justice is beautiful and humane. We know what we have to do.  We can be creative and unselfish.

It takes courage to face the day with an empty stomach. Support courage.  – Click to support medical personnel and struggling families for FREE.

In the past authorities released food from storage in times of famine. In the circle of humanity we can feed each other. There is enough food in the world. Common sense is bedrock for healthy evolution.

Everybody’s got a hungry heart. Be generous. Reach across the world.  Everyone needs food for energy to be productive and care for ourselves and those we love. Working from the seat of our soul we can overcome the “impossible”.

We are hungry for survival.

Hunger when there is food abundance is a hideous corruption of human decency. Today, extreme hunger is an epidemic. Did you know a leading cause of blindness and death for children is malnutrition.

Food banks around the world work to gift life and dignity. Many restaurants and bakery’s give food away. But still families search dumpsters for a meal.

Eat less, share more. You know how it feels to be hungry, and you know the peace you feel inside – after you eat.

Helping others is why we’re here. Helping others have food is giving the gift of life. Dignity, courage and humility are your inner-connection with destiny. Be kind. Act with heart.

Personal satisfaction is the spark of appreciation that happens when we’re tuned to what matters. The future is ours to create.  As long as there is hunger there cannot be peace.#MotherTeresa 

Everybody knows food is love and food heals. Be thankful for food you eat. Kiss the wind and pledge your heart to kindness, a humane world and food for all. Every choice impacts the circle of life. is a global movement of over 6 million young people using innovation and heart to make change on and off-line. When we collaborate, communicate and celebrate life, we share meals. Intuitively we construct redemption, love, hard-work and self-discipline in our minds. Our thoughts are in constant motion because survival is our global challenge.

Food is energy.

It takes energy to think and sense what’s right.  Everyone is struggling to adjust to the present.  It takes energy to create change. Everybody needs food for energy.  Choose courage, dignity and humility to lead change.  Self-respect matters for everyone.

Participate to Fight Hunger

Click and follow your heart.
The Hunger Site – costs nothing to feed a hungry person
Bread for the World
Feed the Children
No Kid Hungry

Heal the planet

The Nature Conservancy
The day hunger disappears, the world will see the greatest spiritual explosion humanity has ever seen. #FredericoGarciaLorca

The earth carries and nourishes all things that live and move upon it without exception. We are children of the earth. That is our Legacy.

We are surrounded by a heap of broken images.

With new technology and options that will stand the test of time for the benefit of all we have the (hu)man power to embrace a new age.  From systemic racism, to poison water, to a broken electoral system to famine, we’re ready for new direction, responsibilities and answers.

Foresight is the intuitive trouble-shooter. Let’s reconsider choices and decisions and focus on what really matters. While we’re at it, let’s overhaul the antiquated education and penal systems. It’s all broken. We can do this as long as we have open minds, open hearts and of course, full stomachs. We need to be able think straight.

Thank you.

Hungry Heart*, Bruce Springsteen
