Stay open to possibilities by using your senses, including common sense.
Universal values transcend every culture and every generation. If you listen, you learn secrets. Patience is the intuitive way for gaining perspective. Smart choices call for intuitive prudence reminding us to test options before taking steps. We inhale the energy. We feel the odds. Patience and prudence are values we feel but don’t think. They are sensual thinking, which is the option that frees your mind.
Today, instead of living someone’s dogma, we have options. Having options is the choice of an open mind. Universal values like dignity and curiosity keep rewarding option clear.
Sensual thinking prevents confusion and disappointment. Use it to screen input before you make decisions. When you think with your senses and feel with your mind, you’re thinking for yourself.
An old man, a boy and a donkey were going to town. The boy rode the donkey and the old man walked. As they went along, some people remarked, “What a shame the old man is walking and the boy is riding.” The man and boy thought: maybe the critics were right, so they changed positions.
Living is the best game ever. Play it well.