Intuition is the green light with a soft touch.

We constantly sense channels to the future.

The thrill of ‘new’ on the path to ‘forever’ is a green light. Intuitive thinking is knowing which way to turn. We are always turning.

In the 50’s Mad Men and women on diet drugs began change in the money-driven mantra of Capitalism. Then, hippies shed trappings of convention and put on love-beads.

Love-dust blew music through time around the world and sensual thinking was born. Music is our 1st worldwide web. Around the globe we connect in webs of music, love, electronics and courage.

Life is amazing and challenging. We hear many different songs. We have new choices to make, ways to love and to live. With endless options to sense and desire, it’s a new dawn.

Intuition is our organic sense of purpose and direction for quality of life. It’s the inner nudge of discipline and desire that shines the path to understanding, peace and love. Your intuition green-lights what matters. Trust your gut.

Freedom is ‘the thing’. It’s a spark of excitement and a gut-feeling of restraint. There are always boundaries. Freedom is the edge of Life where we meet and connect to know who we are and find what we need. It’s the place where ideas unfold and the big picture stays in focus. We are thinking different.

You are part of the inner balance of Humanity. Intuition protects you and keeps you on-track. Your 6th sense channels dignity, courage and curiosity with a gentle nudge. Use it to focus dreams, connect thoughts and tame desire. You know how you feel.

Desire is not always sexual but it’s always sensual. When something or some idea is hot, that’s sensual thinking. Everything you sense drives creative choices to keep you feeling good. Determination is the right hand of your survival instinct. It’s the intuitive power tool that feels like ‘tough love’. Completion and joy take desire and work. The artist is nothing without the gift but the gift is nothing without work. ~ Emile Zola

Humans are all artists creating life. With touchmusic and light we sense our way forward. We’re all in this together.

Intuitive thinking is holistic inner certainty that connects with soul. Determination is the soft touch of intuition. It’s the nudge that kicks in bringing big picture insight and guiding choice. Intuition is the foundation of momentum and when we’re in the groove, determination to do what is right, is bliss. It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things are difficult. ~ Seneca 

Never give up. Tune-in to the soft touch. Even when it rains, the sun rises. Everything worth having —  a relationship, a job, a child, healthy food, Love – all take desire and a commitment to going all the way. Nothing lasts forever. There’s always a fork in the road. Walk with freedom.

