Google Sky Map is my current favorite app!  It gives a perspective that sparkles. It  shows the stars and tells me what I’m seeing. As I lie in bed in NYC, Zenith and Taurus are right over my head!  What does it mean? I don’t know. I’m not an astrologer. All I know is it feels good to be aligned with those bright lights.

Light lifts our spirits, twirls away dark thoughts and makes corners cozy. Like music, light is a tool for opening our minds. Every one of us has starlight that we can feel, when we’re open to the experience. It feels like affirmation of the parts of us that have not yet been realized. It’s a connection with purpose and it’s sensual. Sensual thinking helps you know yourself better.  That means you can satisfy yourself, better.

Times are not dependable! The only thing that we can depend on is the balance of sensual thinking. The balance of thinking with our senses and feeling iconic values like dignity and tenacity is our inner starlight.  It’s time to move forward into the light of 21st century thinking. Intuitive values are the foundation of self-respect. Before we can love another fully, before we can be true to ourselves, before we can find genuine satisfaction in life – it’s necessary to hook up with self-respect.  Self-respect is a quiet kind of feeling, solid in yourself, that guides wise decisions.

Protect yourself with sensual thinking. Inhale starlight with your eyes and trust the power of connecting with your dignity.  Dance more, stress less. The sparkles in starlight might be humor or they might be love. Have fun!

Check out Google Sky Map app. It’s open sourced and easy on a smart phone or a tablet. Use it anytime to be aware of starlight shining on you! It’s always here.  Everyone all over the world sees the same stars. Make a wish.

Reconnect with your inner  child and enjoy the wonder of our twinkling universe.

