Change in our lives is not an option; Harmony is.

We experience change every day. Thinking sensually syncs with the times. If you ignore gut feelings, or what’s in front of your eyes, you block momentum. If you find yourself fighting change, it’s time to upgrade your thinking.

What feels right is never harsh or glaring. Intuition is a call for bravery and a global unity to find harmony that is justice. We open our minds to be brave by talking less and sensing more.

An attitude of bravery  unites us. Trust what you sense. Honor your heart. Intuition connects your thinking with timeless wisdom that you are born with. Sensing is the intuitive way to find comfort in momentum we call change.

It’s organic to sense the difference between day and night and between right and wrong. Sensing values resets our moral compass to steer thinking towards dignity and satisfaction.  It’s how we make good choices.

Our 6th sense naturally tunes to purpose. You have purpose. Understanding attitude or morality takes no words because it’s intuitive. Intuition is never passive, you feel, hear, and can taste it. Everybody know when someone lies.  Respond from the heart. Be brave.

Life is a spinning golden compass. Stay aware of the big picture to maintain the edge. Bravery is inborn. You have it. An intuitive urge to be part of what feels right, to be safe on a smooth path of purpose and sense justice is all part of bravery.

Making choices based on looking ahead at the consequences of what you’re about to do is using foresight. Foresight is self-defense.  Making plans with foresight syncs with change by staying clear about the direction and potential results of your actions. Bravery isn’t something you seek; it’s something you are. Notice what you sense to take advantage of the big picture clear. The steady rhythm found by doing what feels right is unbeatable.

When stress or frustration builds, we intuitively seek harmony within, with each other and with our planet. Each of us is part of what matters. Hooking into the energy of change is a new era of bravery.

Recognize that intuitive nudge to seek harmony. Be brave and smart. Use iconic attitudes like courage and dignity to have a solid foundation for enduring healthy change in your life. When you  feel an urge to change, you feel the momentum to be brave. The way to we create change is by being it.

 Click to learn more.

Iconic tools for bravery:

“May you have the hindsight to know where you’ve been, the foresight to know where you’re going, and the insight to know when you have gone too far.” Irish saying

