We are physical – born to taste, touch, smell, see and hear. Intuition is our 6th physical sense always guiding us to find attitude and balance that holds things together. Sensuality is a powerful way to think, communicate and collaborate.
When you ignore what you see, you might walk into traffic, or if you ignore what you hear, you get the wrong message. Your senses protect you – when you ignore a gut feeling, you make a decision you regret.
Sensing attitude is part of protecting yourself. For example, someone’s been looking at you with a certain attitude of curiosity. You respond with a gentle smile or an expression of dignity. We can’t describe dignity, but there is a physical attitude of dignity that’s easy to sense. It’s a humble sense of self respect that sets the stage for high quality connections.
There’s more going on than what meets the eye. You sense a lot. Tuning-in to attitude by feeling curious saves time and makes connections. We sense the energy. Eye-contact and tone of voice tell a lot. Sensual connections are easy.
Feeling is multi-dimensional – like a kiss or unseen energy, like pain. Notice what you notice. Like great music or like courage in a crowd– as soon as one person stands up for what is right– everyone feels it.
In every relationship, there is the unexpected or the ‘impossible’. Talk less and sense more to notice neutral communication zones. Communicate with dignity and patience to build solid foundations for moving ahead. Keep the big picture in focus. Rhythms of rolling realities you can sense are real. You know what your heart knows.
Your intuitive tools are curiosity, determination and dignity. These guide what to trust, and what feels ‘wrong’. Don’t ignore what you sense is true.
Communication is physical. Feel with your mind to understand where you’re going. Open your eyes and see alternatives. Sense what you desire.,
The next time there’s stress or frustration, take control of what’s happening with intuitive thinking. Choose an attitude of patience or curiosity. You will find what you need. .