The Subject is Always Love

Alone together there is a tenderness we share. So much is changing and still, love is in the air.

photo: Tobias Beharrell

Sheltering in place, we reach out for comfort along electric highways. We find connection, defy isolation and keep dreams alive.

Sensing kinship with each other and our planet, our hearts are awake. We’re resetting the moral compass. Our (r)evolution is creative and transparent.

Everyone is a unique facet on the magnificent gem of humanity. Our colors and codes complement each other.

On the holy battle ground of life our physical, emotional and spiritual needs are the same. What unites us is stronger than what divides us.

Isolation demands we see ourselves for who we are and decide who we want to be when this ends. Look around.
Everyone who dreams of peace is a healer. Love is everywhere.

The golden ram is smashed.

The empire is done. Alone together we gather insights and watch programmed intolerance and vanity crumble. This change is good. Inequality, callousness and selfishness don’t fly. Greed and entitlement are worthless. Life is great.

Realizing the system is broken drives us to see economic imprisonment is the poison dart of greed. Under-valuing human needs is insanity. We sense it. The truth builds confidence. Collectively we are moving far away from the bondage of arrogance and entitlement.


In the past, isolation was used by tyrants to silence people who challenged the status quo –– but that was before the internet. Internet technology expands and drives communication.  Thanks to the world wide web, we have freedom to stay connected. We can’t be isolated.

Sharing thoughts, feelings and facts with each other is the breath of life that fans sparks of freedom. Let it flame. In unity there is strength. Our power is courage, dignity and heart.

Soul connections unite and uplift us. Feel the music. With gentle words share your strength, respect, dreams and fears. Gratitude is a sweet dance. Love is everywhere

The shift.

Independent thinking grows in isolation. We make observations like agreeing that the emperor is truly naked or that clean air is good for our world. We find our own agendas and remember each other.

Life is a blink. Virtually holding hands, we unite goals and dreams. Carefully surfing the paradigm shift with eyes wide open, we use courage dignity and curiosity to stay clear. It’s a new world where vanity is hollow and integrity is exciting.

The gift is a future that is ours to create. It’s not easy, but it’s glorious. Freedom to be part of a life shift that represents our time, our spirit, our lives and our values is priceless.

People are beautiful.

The spirit of human generosity is spectacular.  New ways of helping others feel strong and cared for are blooming. People in museums, organizations, small businesses and beautiful hero’s like you are reaching out with kindness

Being alive is a miracle. Love, compassion and faith in the human spirit is our untouchable power. Survival’s not about bravery. It’s a state of mind.
We’re here together.
Listen to the music. It’s a new day.


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