Live your beliefs and you canturn the world around. ~ HenryDavidThoreau

Purpose isintuitionthat guides us to make smart decisions. Sensing purpose is exciting.

What happens in your mind is private. What takesLifeto the next level is passion. That energy is the voice of soul. You recognize an intuitive nudge.

Creativity is streamlined inner passion that sweeps us into rainbow hued sunlight of purposeand potential. It is how wesee connections that are exciting and meaningful. Sensing passion is intuitive. Intuitive thinking is creative andefficientso we get more done with a lot less effort. It’s natural focus.

There is a magical edge to Life. Sharpen the blade of change by thinking with your senses. Stay in tune with purpose by feeling dignity and self-respectwith your mind. There is a pot of gold waiting for you.

Significant transformation is in your future. Sensing heart brings purpose, passion and humanity to decision making. It boosts communication and drives creative thinking. Things happen. Lucid livingwith sensual thinking is aproductivity booster.

Your eyes, tongue, lips and heart constantly inform your mind to drive purpose. Notice what you sense because you must fearlessly and creatively navigate change. There is no choice.Make eye contact. Listen when someone speaks to know what’s real.Everything you say and do matters.

Peace of mind is the strength of inner character to address and navigate the present.Stay away from anyone who ‘knows all the answers’. Everything is changing. You can think for yourself. You are constantly creatively sharing and balancing emerging energy of changeto find what you need.

Intuition is the part of your survival instinct that scatters stress. It creatively, spontaneously rearranges and rebalancesresponsibilities and purpose, revealing connections and portntial.Intuitiveconnections build relationships that drive purpose and peace of mind.Whether you want to get to the next skill-level, to know love, or to build your business –noticing pace and energy you sense is the way to significantly drive what you do and say, to creatively track with purpose.

To access creativity – you feel curious and find excitement. Creativity, peace and love are purpose thatthrives with an open mind. Sensuality is a splash of energy that flips Life up a notch. It can be a refreshing breath of insight or a kiss of light. You feel it and sense purpose.

Life holdsyour heart.Be your highest potential. Use change for introspection, collaboration and innovation. Discipline your wild mind with your creative heart.All sorts of things that feel incredibly right will happen.

How has your day been so far? What nearly knocked you off-balance? What touched your heart? Make an inventory of where you are and where you’re going. Notice the small things, colors, shadows, scents. Take a deep breath to pause and sense the excitement of purpose.


