Thinking Sensually

Thinking Sensually

We’re crossing the bridge of change because we’re thinking sensually. The change we’re sensing is a new Humanitarian Age. We’re walking into the future. Technology fine-tunes our mind so we are thinking sensuality and responding to...
Time Surfing

Time Surfing

Time Surfing is Sensual Thinking. Need time? LOL Time is more than a measurement of 86,400 seconds every day. In fact, time has texture. You feel it and can manipulate it. Timing is a skill. Time Surf Time surfing is intuitive thinking that expands time. It’s...
The Scar

The Scar

 Have you ever felt like you have a scar on your heart? Well, you do. We are born with the ability to extract joy from the air. As children, we spin around with the music of our moments. At birth, the heat of Love & Kindness is tattooed on our hearts....


The need to be brave is something we feel. It’s intuitive thinking.   At the moment you choose to be true to yourself ~ Life changes. Bravery isn’t something you seek; it’s part of who you are. Hooking into energy of change is creating a new era...