by Jane Bernard | Nov 15, 2015 | Intuitivescribe
Love is the bridge between you and everything. #Rumi We are knocked off-balance by the senseless deaths around the world. Stunned by violence and illness, we are forced to reflect and question “why?” The answer is vile. We turn to inner courage for...
by Jane Bernard | Nov 7, 2015 | Intuitivescribe
Stay connected with strategies that come from the heart. Life gets tangled. We live through storms and don’t know how long they will last. Tangles turn into knots. We may blame ourselves. When the big picture gets lost, passions fade. Stay untangled. Notice what...
by Jane Bernard | Oct 31, 2015 | Intuitivescribe
Temptation is a tease. You are stronger than temptation. Think with your eyes, listen with your heart. Depend on courage, dignity and curiosity to stay tuned to what matters. When you feel the pull of temptation, talk less and sense more. We are surrounded by...
by Jane Bernard | Oct 24, 2015 | Intuitivescribe
Touch is cosmic love that we crave. Touch is food for the soul. Everything important must be felt. We are born hungry for the touch of freedom, healing, justice, love and peace. Touch is the multidimensional way we connect with what matters. It’s how we satisfy...
by Jane Bernard | Oct 18, 2015 | Intuitivescribe
Be part of the light. It’s a wonderful place to be. Prejudice promoted by tribalism is the leading isolating, destructive force in our world. Arrogance and violence are its hallmarks. By acting intuitively and thinking sensually, we can deny tribalism in our...