“If your eyes are open you’ll see things worth seeing.” ~Rumi

To walk with balance, notice what you sense. Fine-tune your decisions with intuitive tools like with dignity, curiosity and courage.

Thinking intuitively is search-engine thinking that reveals a  transparent path. Noticing what you sense uncovers different combinations that successfully flow with Life’s dynamic equilibrium of change.

Your six senses light a multidimensional non-judgmental path of inner balanceand enduring wisdom. Walk it and thrive. Everything you sense touches your heart, mind, body and spirit. You are amazing. Sense what you balance.

Just like a song is more than notes, you are more than mind or heart. When you sense what you’re balancing, the big picture opens and you recognize new ways to navigate life. Balance is never static. It combines the simplicity of what you sense, the ease of what you feel and insights from experience. Thinking sensually, the melodies of life harmonize and rhythms of soul are apparent. With balance, we dance ahead with freedom.

Intuition is your connection with wisdom. Wisdom is not something to memorize. It’s timeless understanding that anchors and transforms by creating renewed balance. When you feel courage, curiosity, patience or dignity, you are feeling intuitive wisdom.

Along the bridge of life, the chance to communicate, love, heal, be inspired and learn touch you every day. ‘Think’ with a combination of courage, dignity, curiosity and heart. You will be fine. Thinking sensually automatically taps into protective balance to access innovation and experience that guide life forward. Intuitive tools are handrails of protection and satisfaction.

Music, nature and love are ways of sensual thinking that open our eyes, heart, mind, spirit and soul to renew balance. Learn to think with your senses and feel with your mind. Keep a sense of humor. Be honorable. Life is full of the ‘impossible’ and the ‘unexpected’; balance keeps us wise.

Use intuitive tools to connect with inner balance. Dignity, courage, curiosity, patience and your five senses are points of light on the golden compass that is your heart.

Don’t put much faith in facts, because they go out of style. For example, popular diets are ‘facts’ that go out of style and at one time, it was an established ‘fact’ that the world was flat. Notice what you see, hear, taste, touch and grok to find balance in the midst of change.

We all quest for love and satisfaction. It’s like dancing; we all do it our own way. Take a chance on you! Honor your heart.

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don’t go back to sleep. ~ Rumi

Sensual intuitive thinking is your timeless foundation of wisdom. Don’t believe everything you hear. Opportunities to communicate, love, heal, be inspired and learn, touch you every day as you walk the bridge of life.

‘Think’ with a combination of courage, dignity, curiosity and heart. Sense soul.

Run your fingers across your heart to open your eyes. Laugh more. Life is a stream of change to taste with your senses and let flow. Seize opportunity by reaching out to touch it. You are on your way across the bridge of time.

