Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. #DalaiLama

Kindness is the touch of love. Love is passion for living that is everywhere, but you can only find it by noticing what you sense. Kindness sparks healing and happiness. Love grows.

You have natural charisma. Open your eyes, heart, mind and arms to embrace the future. Let love in. Noticing what you see, hear, taste, touch and smell will guide you to sense inner purpose and comforting balance.

Your 5 senses are remarkable intuitive connections that hold no emotional charge. Instead, fine tuning your senses links with inner courage that keeps you dancing with the beat of your heart. Fine-tuning your senses is a reality check.

Life is big and unpredictable. Don’t judge it by the size of problems you’re tackling today. In fact, don’t judge, instead do what feels right. Intuition another name for common sense. Common sense makes kindness a no brainer by keeping the big picture in focus.

How is your relationship with yourself? If it’s on the back burner, piled under work, stress and social obligations, give yourself a break. Be kind to yourself. Break free from the habit of ignoring what you need.

Common sense. Intuitive attitudes of curiosity, dignity and kindness are ‘common sense’ that makes you more effective. Be sensational. Connecting with kindness invites good things into your life.

Forget total control over circumstances. Instead be open to receive what or who is in front of your eyes and ears.

 ‘The universe has far greater plans for us than we could ever imagine for ourselves.’

Give yourself a chance to fly. Take a breath and imagine that you are spreading your wings. Now, stand up and take a very deep breath. Feel your whole rib cage expand and you will literally feel lifted.

If you don’t trust or notice what you sense, your relationship with yourself sours. You lose contact with natural rhythms and the big picture. Things jam, fall apart, get lost or hurt.

Are the voices in your mind being kind? Thinking with your senses is organic relaxation that telegraphs self-respect. Use it to let go of preconceived notions or thoughts looping through your brain. Think with your senses to free your mind.

  • Listen to music for 5 minutes. Close your eyes and feel the beat. Discover new energy and momentum when you open your eyes. Let yourself dance.
  • If the day’s been intense, take a 5 minute shower before the evening starts. Be sensual and tune-in to your body. Feel the water tenderize your skin and you will find that you are able to relax and may even be smiling. By refreshing your body, you will think from a fresh perspective
  • Breaking routine is always a stress buster. Call an old friend. Go to the gym, do yoga or take a walk around the block to reset pace and reconnect with your sense of purpose. The breathing room is you being kind to yourself.

Be kind to yourself by respecting what you sense and you will feel complete. Here’s how:
Take time to relax every day. Tune-in to your 5 senses to find the spark in your heart. Respect yourself. Take a few deep breaths.

Everything you intuitively know is already part of you. There’s nothing to remember. Let yourself feel some love today. 

