Love is the bridge between you and everything. #Rumi

We are knocked off-balance by the senseless deaths around the world. Stunned by violence and illness, we are forced to reflect and question “why?” The answer is vile. We turn to inner courage for reflection. We search our character for intuitive cues to connect our thinking with personal integrity and love.

The heroic path of the heart.

Intuitive thinking is the heroic path of the heart that guides us with values, not with emotions or thoughts. We are navigating chaotic seas of change and upheaval in our world. Trust your gut to ground social fears and keep personal priorities in perspective. Feel the passion.  Dignity and gratitude are intuitive strategies that connect our hearts with harmony. Inner character is love that replaces fear with perspective.

Love appears in many forms.

Self-discipline and kindness opens our eyes to cosmic love. We sense it as courageous and may call it: integrity, dignity or honor. With the power of love, we find balance and strength. We sense boundaries, responsibilities and rewards. Intuition is our survival instinct that brings courage we need, to trust from the heart. The subject is always love.

Trust creates Peace.

With the tragic loss of lives, there are renewed calls for peace and understanding around the world. We join together with compassion to heal. Intuitive boundaries of self-respect and dignity guide the way. We are walking across the bridge of change.

Cosmic love is a fragile spark that never dies.

Winds of courage, patience, dignity and determination turn it to flame. When passions of character are tuned to Love we thrive, heal and bring comfort to others. Let’s send healing on wings of compassion around the world.

As upheaval happens, sadness, curiosity, frustration, tenacity, loyalty, courage, dignity and patience are ways to reflect, create and affirm strategies for good health, understanding and love.  We help ourselves and others by renewing awareness of the big picture and that bring us joy.

