Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. #MLKjr

The future is ours to create. Feel truth you see, hear and sense with your heart. Stand your ground. Energy radiates through you with electric precision. Intuition is the current you feel. Think about what matters with your heart and mind before you speak. Then, take action. Your words matter. Speak openly and fearlessly.

Emotionally, physically, electronicallysocially and spiritually we connect with each other. Words are how we share ideas, collaborate and communicate. Future survival depends on new ideas, passionate words and your actions

Sound travels through our throats like light through a crystal. When your heart beats harder, your voice changes and words are charged. When the beat of your soul becomes the vibration of your voice, everyone can sense it. That’s the time to speak-up.

Use intuitive strategies.

Intuition is always present opening worlds of possibilityLove, dignity, self-respect, curiositytenacityjustice and courage are intuitive strategies that imprint, uplift and clarify communication. They are safe-zones clarifying what’s real.

Energy of words you speak, hear and think, blends into soul with stealth quiet force. Use your intuition to sense truth and satisfy needs beyond dimensions of the immediate. Remember your dreams. Dreams bring solutions..

Life holds together or falls apart like a puzzle.

Understanding how to communicate what matters is intuitive skill we are born with. Words like dignity, determination and respect power our heart. Use words that make sense to powerfully speak up about what matters.

Speak with authenticity and candor. Pieces of understanding come together one at a time. The force is with you. Be kind.

Access your natural sensitivity, grace and softness. Love. Use words that heal and forgive. These feel honorable and comforting. Choose actions that respect all forms of life in our world.

We are interdependent with each other and everything that is natural. Rise with energy of purpose and power to create your life and make our world better.

Values become destiny.

Values we practice become destiny. Speaking the words: courage, dignity, justice and love drives energy of personal freedom radiating through us with electric precision. Say the words.

As words inspire passion and focus you are hearing them from the heart. Their power brings comfort that goes beyond the drama of the moment freeing you to move ahead with clarity. Learn the words that are your values and use them.

Start fresh.

Speak three powerful words: compromise, tolerance and happiness. Blend them with soul. Feel the electric buzz of potential and purpose inside. Focus on what you want and sense what’s real. Speak-up with honor, integrity and gratitude. Be fabulous.

Don’t be swept into the tides of opinion if you don’t actually agree. You are unique and so is your power. Compromise is sensing more than one point of view. Tolerance is respect. Life finds purpose with compromise and tolerance and then, happiness happens.

No free rides.

Be excellent or be derailed. You are energy. Your words are energy. Energy is impact. Speak with care and conviction. Happiness is a blend of focus and perspective that makes things possible.

Negative thinking and negative speak is a waste. Don’t waste who you are. Everything you say and do creates action and reaction. The time is always right to do what is right. #MLKjr

The force is with you. Speak-up.

  • Use your words to be fearless and love justice. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. #MLKjr 
  • Be your values. Be the change you want to see in the world. #Gandhi 
  • Be trustworthy. #Lincoln #Mandela #Malala.

In the beginning, there was the Word. #John 1:1
