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Lucid Living
in the Virtual Age

It’s time to sync with destiny. The future is now. Rewire your thinking to take Life to another dimension. Cellular sensual tools guide choices that matter. Everything you say and do is powerful. You know more than you realize.

Lucid Living in a Virtual Age

A pomegranate is cut open and ready to be eaten.


Our mission is to promote multimedia events as edu-tainment where people of all ages experience stimulating cellular connections with timing, purpose and creativity to usher in the new Humanitarian Age. There are no limits of how to learn. Thinking sensually is the relevant way of expanding wisdom.

Sensual thinking is a bridge of cellular understanding that unites people everywhere for the greater good. We have entered a time of thought evolution that is inspiring multidimensional collaboration, invention and shared vision to enlighten, empower and up-lift around the world. Sensual thinking is a new kind of self-respect for our sensuality because that is what makes us human.

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A pomegranate is cut open and ready to be eaten.Global communication, tuned by the pace of twitter and updated by technology 24/7, is providing a transparent foundation for collaboration that overrides cultural boundaries. By thinking sensually it’s automatic to replace apathy with empathy to sense traction with what endures and use timing and insight to sync with change. Our global mission is harmony and growth.

Lucid values everyone admires, like courage, curiosity, dignity and patience are the sensual foundation for meaningful communication. These intuitive icons are portals to good judgment that sync with change. By using sensual thinking as a transparent filter for decision-making and communicating, we access the protective, big-picture perspective – while our senses keep us clearly in the present.

Collaboration is human magic of open communication and respect for creativity. It’s the intuitive way we make things happen. We don’t need “proof” or “alternatives” to use new solutions for old problems. We need to respond to gut feelings to fix, change, have, do and allow. We are born to dance with change.

The future for us and our planet is beautiful. We are thinking different. Communication with intuitive values is easy because courage, dignity, curiosity, patience and gratitude are universally understood. We connect in the cloud, around the globe, and in person daily to sync energy that is holistic sensual healing.

Sensual thinking is a blend of simplicity we sense, honesty we feel and the anchor of what we know from experience. There are no judgment calls, rules or limits. Instead, there is a sense of purpose. We can think for ourselves. Sensual syncing happens all the time with unspoken attitude.

Living well is a constant blend of innovation with experience. Thinking sensually is the cohesive way we understand ourselves, each other and purpose in our lives. Today, we have the best of both worlds.


Thinking outside the box takes courage. Learning takes an attitude of courage and isn’t limited to childhood. The easiest way to learn is through fun. Humor is a natural reset button for personal and social evolution. The Curious#Happenings are interactive theater, designed to share humor, a sense of purpose, peace of mind and the excitement of momentum. Sensual thinking is a reality check. Sensual living is connection with courage. Everyone can feel it.

Passion is creative power. Intuitive values thread through global passions. Courage, dignity, patience, tenacity and curiosity fuel our thinking as they run through our minds. These intuitive attitudes connect us with our dreams and each other. The way to help ourselves and our world is by realizing our dreams – and sharing them to create change together. Trusting what we have in common is the beginning of understanding and mutual respect for our new Humanitarian age.

Sensual thinking is the new way of taking us across the bridge between linear 20th century dogma to 21st century search engine thinking. We can learn from experience and embrace innovation. Everywhere, people are becoming braver. With character, we tap-in to natural individual creativity and maintain transparent communication. Our Lifeline is intuitive global icons.

Times change, and with change, come demands that call for social transformation. With Curious#Happenings, we are collaborating and having fun with the ease and thrill of sensual thinking to connect with innovation, focus and creativity for the common good.

It’s a growth mind-set. Things only change when we change the way we think. It makes sense to know where we stand at all times. We all have a mission. Sensual thinking is not intellectual. It’s common sense that organically connects with character and our natural inner nobility of clarity. The future is bright.

Relevant answers and new possibilities will emerge. Learning and adapting are creative and sensual. The more relaxed you are, the more observant you become and the more connected with what matters. It’s easy to make smarter, clearer decisions that get results you need.

Sense your unique all-access pass to private satisfaction & public success. Sync with your dreams. By relying on intuitive icons we trust, we are pushing open the doors to a new Humanitarian age. Thought evolution is cool.

Reality Check : Sensual Thinking
Event Design : Curious#Happening

A pomegranate is cut open and ready to be eaten.

Jane Bernard, author

A pomegranate is cut open and ready to be eaten.

I Love Life!
People are Life.
My mission is to stimulateyou to be your highest potential. Welcome!
We are a team.

Jane Bernardbelieves in and witnesses the power of Sensual Thinking to bring insights that drive positive change. She has created a unique intuitive Peace Education curriculum being implemented internationally.Degrees in Philosophy (The New School) and Special Education (Bank Street College), combined with decades of Rinzai Zen practice, and the “everyman college of living”, are the foundation of her thinking. She has been on TV, radio, at schools, UN groups, Art Galleries, private events talking and inspiring people to sense their potential from the intuitive perspective. Her first book, Fine Tuning, was introduced on The Montel Williams Show, in 2006.

Jane is a thought leader and strategist living in Brooklyn, NY, who has helped people around the world. Her talks and three books stimulate our potential for problem solving, peace of mind, productivity and creative thinking. Withan easy combination of common sense and originality, Jane leads us to realize we think with our senses and feel with our minds.Through her eyes we see ourselves differently.

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Her background includes working with autistic and learning-challenged children, educational think tanks, technical writing, writing professor, regular on national radio and coaching people to be intuitive. People have been connecting with their senses to take control of eating habits since 2011, with her helpful book about intuitive eating, “I Am Really Hungry”.

With a dedicated team, Jane is producing multimedia edu-tainment ‘happenings’, where people working together can discover their potential to intuitively expand naturalabilities to sense purpose,timingandunique creative thinking. There are new solutions for old problems when we sync with change. Sensual thinking is multi-dimensional reasoning that nudges us to tune to the wonder and rise to the challenges and rhythms of life. Once we make the choice, it is easy to access new connections, understand opportunities and find comfort zones. We are all part change and all part of the answer.

Jane discovered Sensual Thinking through hard lessons, experienced by ignoring her intuition. That inspired her to open doors to others. Since life is full of the unexpected, the unlikely and the impossible, thinking with her senses to stay in-tune with change, is how she keeps an open mind.

Love, nature and music are her muses. Jane treasures kindness and character. She is thankful and inspired by the generous enthusiasm she receives from around the world.

Jane is a mother and a grandmother. She is a member of The Dramatists Guild of America, The Association for Conflict Resolution, The International Speakers Bureau, The First Zen Institute of America, Independent Book Publishers Association, National Association of Professional Women & The Groucho Club (UK).

Jane Bernard
Philosophy of Experience : Sensual Thinking

In her new book Lucid Living Jane Bernhard combines aspects of body, mind and soul that we usually keep separate These unexpected fusions described as “sensual thinking” or ‘intuitive eating” open doors to experiences of joy, wonder and adventure as well as physical well being, including a natural, delightful form of weight loss. Try it!
Highly recommended. ★★★★★

Ami Ronnberg
Editor-In-Chief, The Book of Symbols: Reflections on Archetypal Images
LUCID LIVING, in The Virtual Age

The book is so useful in everyday life. Am practicing it each day and it’s a big difference in body and mind as now there is not so much stressing. I was easily digesting the lucid living word by word. My friends have even noticed the difference.

Simon Waruru Mathe, Nairobi, Kenya
LUCID LIVING, in The Virtual Age

With KNOCK YOUR BLOCK OFF! Jane Bernard tosses out a welcome lifeboat to writers and wannabe writers suffering from writer’s block. The author’s perceptive analysis and helpful tips should get them back on shore

Betty Jo Tucker
Film critic, radio host and award-winning author

You are helping me transform my life one bite at a time – and I love it.

Amy Robins-Wilson
Am I Really Hungry?

Fine Tuningby Jane Bernard is a book that is like a breath of fresh air, a ray of sunshine in your face. Open to any page, you can start anywhere, and jump right into a series of reflections with your Muse, an exploration into the source of creativity and inspired living.


Dear Jane, I received your book yesterday. Today I read the entire book without putting it down. I believe this is a great book to empower women

Betty Jo Totten
Advisory Board for The Women of New York

I am a graduate student completing my Master’s in Psychology. This book helped me put all of the missing pieces of the puzzle together. I feel that anyone with an open mind should read this book, and soak it in completely. I can breathe better now. I have more friends now than I ever imagined I would ever have have and I have the love of my life. We need to trust our instincts, because it is our instincts that guide us. Believe in this book and you will believe in yourself.”

Rajnita Gupta

A pomegranate is cut open and ready to be eaten.

A pomegranate is cut open and ready to be eaten.

Am I Really Hungry?

Fine Tuning Connectiong with your Inner Power

Knock Your Block Off An Approach for Getting Rid of Writers Block

Lucid Living in a Virtual Age

A pomegranate is cut open and ready to be eaten.


It’s time to come to your senses. Your natural capacity to make a difference comes uniquely from within you and is updated and balanced constantly by what you sense. Using your sensuality takes Life to another dimension. You can use your organic sensual thinking to naturally sync with change, update options and balance stress.

Lucid Living in the Virtual Agepresents a way of thinking different to bring easy resilience and confidence by using inborn intuitive skills that naturally organize, transform and inspire self-expression and communication. You can rewire your thinking with cellular tools to rely on a sense of balance, values and personal priorities which then become real portals to lucid living and happiness.

You know more than you realize. Your heart knows where it wants to be. Check in with reality by way of noticing what you sense. Real reality is more intense than VR. Lucid living is multidimensional reasoning that sustains smooth connections with purpose, pace and opportunity.

The greatest answers and joys in Life can be shown to be very simple. It’s easy to begin using your whole brain for thinking sensually by eating intuitively. Using your senses with intuitive tools before and during meals deliciously enhances and honors the essence of who you are. In this way your intuitive power, dignity and strength are energized. The future is ours to create.

Lucid means being clear about what you stand for. It leads to peace of mind.

Purchase your copy today!

A pomegranate is cut open and ready to be eaten.

Body, Mind, Soul Food: Intuitive Eating


A pomegranate is cut open and ready to be eaten.



A pomegranate is cut open and ready to be eaten.



A pomegranate is cut open and ready to be eaten.

