Machines cannot love.
Life is a time-limited multidimensional gift. Open it. Don't check-out while you're still in. Take control of your senses. Stamp your return ticket for freedom before turning your soul over to the machine. Sensuality is wings that lift and align our world. Notice...

Listen for it
We only find Love and understanding by listening for it. Listen for love. Feel the full moon. Be kissed by sunlight. Experience eye contact. Dance with passion. Taste wonder. Feel boundaries. Trust sounds of silence. Enjoy the sensual. Don’t be deceived by the...

Making plans.
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans". #JohnLennon Life is a crash course in amazement. We are part of things we cannot control. Everyone has to process failure. Hang on to your smile because free-falls happen. Smiles are skyhooks...

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. #JRTolkien Gold is a soft, pliable metal that doesn't resist change. Sometimes it glitters. Other times, gold...

"Light will someday split you open, even if your life is now a cage.. a pine seed, the crown of destiny is hidden and sown on an ancient fertile plain that you hold title to."#Hafiz Love will surely burst you into a new galaxy more than once. Sunlight...

Welcome to the Transparent Sensual World. Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.# Gandhi Like invisible winds fan a flame, sensing clears our mind. Our 6th sense, intuition transparently keeps the present in focus. Transparent...

The Cosmic Journey
We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity.. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity. #Paulo...

Satisfying Needs
Change drives need. As ‘facts’change, so do needs. Notice what's real.. Satisfy needs by using courage to honor your priorities. The path to success is unpredictable. Use your eyes, ears, mind and heart to stay clear. Intuitive insights are sensual focus. Don’t be...

Love the journey
Love the journey. We are changing from a world steeped in 'logic' and theory from the past, to a brave new world of innovation, continuity and momentum. Love Life. Sense the action. Your eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin are always dancing with waves of time. You are...

Intuition is automatic, not intellectual. A gut feeling is our 6th sense. All of our senses naturally bring insights. Sensing fine-tunes what's real. You're groking now While everything we sense is private, sensing is a universal blending of energies. Vitality, love,...

You can’t litter negativity everywhere and then wonder why you’ve got a trashy life. History is full of trash. It's time to stop repeating cycles of ignorance, negativity and destruction from the past, and protect our humanity and global needs. Environmental health...

One World
We are not one people, but we are one world. We are entering an amazing Humanitarian Age of unity for the greater good. Our health is linked 100% to the health of the earth. Just like birds share the sky and fish share the seas, we share the planet. Cultures have...

Follow Your Dreams
Intuitive values are the stuff of dreams. They drive our passions and bring us closer to the truth in our hearts. Don't deny your dreams. When you close your eyes tonight, vow to dream from your heart. It will be magical. Intuitive values are filters we feel and...

Sensual Syncing
When you see a person without a smile, give them yours. Sensing is connection that doesn't need a conversation. It's a touch that goes under our skin. It's communication that can defy or define relations. We do it all the time. Notice what you notice, and tune in to...

I was writing a post about boundaries and connected with character. Character is where we find strength of invisible boundaries that attract power, romance, personal satisfaction and success. Character relates to what you value. Notice what you sense. Learn to find...

Find your 'mojo'. Get with some momentum. Sensual thinking is action connection with buzz - it's sexy. Make the choice to connect with your senses and your mojo. Have the best of both worlds. Sensual Thinking is feeling and knowing how to thrive with changes. Sensing...

Freedom and Independence both require an open mind. Freedom gets our blood pumping. Freedom makes our soul sing. But, like a flag waving in the wind, freedom is subject to conditions. The price we pay for freedom is determined by the bigger picture. Freedom includes...

People who are happy light up a room. Happiness is contagious and irresistible. We find happiness, share it and lose touch with it. We hear laughter and laugh, smile when someone calls with good news, and feel happy when we have done our best. Today I discovered that...

Bravery and Change
Change in our lives is not an option; Harmony is. We experience change every day. Thinking sensually syncs with the times. If you ignore gut feelings, or what's in front of your eyes, you block momentum. If you find yourself fighting change, it's time to upgrade your...

Communication and Passion
Sweet dreams are made of this. Genuine connection is the stuff of satisfaction. If you want to make a point, if you want to connect with passion – tell the truth. Communicating, like love and kindness, comes from an inner need. Whether you’re trying to sell a concept,...

Born to be physical.
We are physical – born to taste, touch, smell, see and hear. Intuition is our 6th physical sense always guiding us to find attitude and balance that holds things together. Sensuality is a powerful way to think, communicate and collaborate. When you ignore what you...

Attitude is Personal Power
Attitude is something we say with our eyes and hear with our hearts. Life is not about what we think; it’s about what we sense. Be smart. Tune-in to attitude. You know more than you realize. With the right attitude, anything is possible. We are taught to think that...

The Mother
We are not Gods, but we take The Mother for granted. If we were Gods, we would be filled with soul. We would honor Life, nature and each other. We would feel humility when we look at the stars. We cannot keep taking, raping, manipulating and smothering the earth. The...

The Option I wrote a post for the site this week called, Good Timing. Sure, good timing feels like luck. The fact is that while luck is out of our control, good timing is always an option. So how do we find it? We get curious and Click the link.We tune to our 6th...

The (R)evolution
"Revolution is not a onetime event."~A. Lorde We are shedding a past gutted with strife and greed to dance forward with change. By embracing challenges with heart, body, mind and soul, natural evolution towards collaboration, transparent communication and celebration...

Intuitive Way to Relax
It's time to relax. Tune-in to what you sense. You will find answers and unexpected opportunities When you talk less and sense more, you notice your intuition. Things come together and you relax. New solutions, alternatives and possibilities appear every...

Sensual Living
Sensual living is a blend of responsibility and splendor. It's irresistible. See sensual thinking spreading. Feel this astounding video from The Free Hugs Campaign. Do you like to hug? Look at expressions on faces and notice how you feel after watching this. When...

Be Playful
Be playful and new ideas will come to you. Life is full of chaos because out of chaos comes needed change. Sensing is the organic approach to chaos that connects your imagination with opportunities or solutions you need. Games are about spirit - team spirit, the...

Determination is attitude that beats the odds. Determination is a bridge of sensual thinking that connects drive with passions. For all of us, success comes from a place of trial and error. When trying to invent electricity, Thomas Edison famously said, “I have not...

Sense the Music
Feel the music. Music links passions, peace and pace. Everywhere with music, we celebrate, communicate, seduce, pacify and set the stage for dreams and destiny. Listen to music and you sense soul. You sense what endures, sense the truth, sense understanding, sense...