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Imagine a party or share a meal where food is savored, music is felt and eye contact’s required. Look inside your imagination. Be bold. Leave your comfort zone to walk with the changing edge of time.
Attend CuriousHappening.Event Design OverviewExperience the reality check of sensual thinking. Have fun. Sensuality awakens passions and rewires thinking. Connect with destiny, will-power and courage. Know the excitement and satisfaction of Lucid Living. You are more creative than you know.
Intuitive sensuality is ecstasy and imagination. It’s common sense and charisma. You were born with it. Life conjures the unexpected and the amazing. Use natural sensuality to defeat stress andfocus your dream for creating the future.
Curious is happening with magic, music, crystals and soul in 2019.
Sensual living is the delicious way to have energy and peace of mind. Intuitive Eating Starts With An Appetite Tap-in to your intuitive mind to sense timing, purpose, excitement and style. It’s part of your DNA. Don’t wait until you feel overwhelmed. Be curious. Your life is part of the grand design.
Intuition is a call to action. Rewire your thinking to take Life to the next level. Use sensual thinking to access excitement, creativity and happiness. You know more than you realize.
This is an exceptional opportunity to know your inner voice. You have answers. Common sense and courage are intuitive foundation of inner peace. Learn to keep cause and effect in focus and take stress out of the picture.
Transitions that bring prosperity, career success, romantic love and self-esteem are in front of us. Be in-tune with your body, mind, heart and soul to sense good fortune and change. How things come together is ‘common sense’. Intuition is inner power that has always been part of you. Get sound-bites: FINE TUNING
If you are not happy with the status quo and want to be part of and create innovative systems in-tune with human values and needs today then stop procrastinating. Use Sensual Thinking make connections that drive understanding and satisfaction. Stay in touch with the big picture. Tune to Love. [email protected]
It’s easy to experience sensual thinking. Open to any page for a soundbite of insight from this intuitive oracle. Guaranteed satisfaction every time. FINE TUNING is the lite companion of LUCID LIVING.
- New York Daily News | Intuition is your personal GPS to find long-term satisfaction
- ThirdAge | 4 Reasons A Great Meal Is About How You Eat, Not What You Eat
- Latin Times | Intuitive Eating: 4 Reasons A Great Meal Is About How You Eat, Not What You Eat
- Young Upstarts | 4 Ways To Find Tranquility In Stressful Times
- Amaze Magazine | 4 Ways To Find Tranquility In Stressful Times
- Healthy & Fit Magazine | 4 Reasons A Great Meal Is About How You Eat – Not What You Eat
- EDGE | A Great Meal is About How You Eat, Not What You Eat
- Consumer Health Digest | How To Sense Your Inborn Sensuality To stay Hale And Hearty
- Lawndale News | Reasons a Great Meal Is About How You Eat – Not What You Eat (Spanish Version)
- The Doctor Weighs In | The Key to Happiness: Think with Your Senses, Feel with Your Mind
- The NY Daily News | An attitude of gratitude should be a year-long state of mind
- PAPERCLIPS | Be Playful, It’s March
- THRIVE GLOBAL | The Passion of the Present
- THRIVE GLOBAL | Continuity Combats Stress
- THRIVE GLOBAL | The Subject is Always Love
- THRIVE GLOBAL | Transcendence
- THRIVE GLOBAL | No Guns in a Peaceful State of Mind
- THRIVE GLOBAL | Be Playful.
- THRIVE GLOBAL |Tenderness in the Arms of Love
- Consumer Health Digest |How Sensual Thinking and Happiness Give You Peace Of Mind