Filter The Noise

Filter The Noise

Don't be frustrated. Talk without action is noise. Beat the noise. Many talk the talk but don't walk the walk. Sensual thinking is the intuitive strategy  to filter the noise and hook into action. We are sensul beings. Sensing is automatic. Skills, like seeing beauty,...



Living is a date-stamped kaleidoscope of change. We are energy and soul riding time, catching starlight and dirt along the way. We inhale cosmic storms of hunger, pollution, anger and Love. Potential is in our hands. There are no limits on ways to heal. We are...

Pure Glamour

Pure Glamour

Desires shape and form our passions. Intuitive tools power dreams and navigate reality. We lift-off, balanced in an energy stream of the moment. You are a hub of glamour Your heart beats vibrant energy. Feel the thrust of courage. Trust the tickle of curiosity....

Big Kids

Big Kids

"Someday you will be old enough to start reading fairytales again." C.S.Lewis The path of satisfaction is mapped by intuitive thinking.  Stay connected with your powers of discovery. Sensing from the heart is our source of insight, passion and direction. We are born...



This is your story. Don't rush it. In every possible way stay in-tune with your heart. Linger with melodies. Everything has music. You will find what you want. Life is a cosmic journey fueled with desire and passions that are portals of change. We are always...

Life does not look back.

Life does not look back.

“When we least expect it, life sets a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. .”...

Happiness is an invisible breeze.

Happiness is an invisible breeze.

The answer my friend, is blowin' in the wind. The answer is blowin' in the wind. #BobDylan There is no such thing as fixed reality. Everything changes. Sensing what is meaningful and taking action that serves you is the path to happiness. Tune to the part of your mind...

Sunrise 2017

Sunrise 2017

Perhaps we are all particles on a feather on the wing of an angel?   Perspective is the portal to possibility. Everything is possible. Be your dreams. You are unique. It's important to sense what you need and avoid what you don't. That's how to get to where you need...

Green Light with a Soft Touch

Green Light with a Soft Touch

Intuition is the green light with a soft touch. We constantly sense channels to the future. The thrill of 'new' on the path to 'forever' is a green light. Intuitive thinking is knowing which way to turn. We are always turning. In the 50's Mad Men and women on diet...

The Discipline of Desire

The Discipline of Desire

Passion and desire thrive with sensual discipline. Get excited, but keep an open mind. No matter what you may be thinking, your intuition is another perspective. Sensing is the intuitive reality check that gives desire another angle.  Sometimes we call it 'common...



 Intuitively you connect with multidimensional thinking and sense how touch heals. Intuitive living is courageous and primal. All connections are sensual. Everything is a bridge of connection. Trust yourself. Notice what you sense. You are never really alone. You can...

The 10th Dimension

The 10th Dimension

The naked truth is always better than the best-dressed lie. ~ Ann Landers The 10th dimension is the place where everything possible and imaginable exists - and warning: there is lots of evil. The naked truth is the only way to survive. The naked truth is that I've...

Dark Glasses

Dark Glasses

We feel cool in dark glasses because we look good and are protecting ourself. It’s good to be good to yourself. When in the harsh glare of life, breathe, be loyal to your heart and choose only what feels right. Intuition filters lies and shows personal...

Charleston, SC

Charleston, SC

By thinking sensually, we are changing how we respond to violence. Our intuition is to heal, not destroy. When innocent people are murdered in cold blood, global intuitive radar goes up. We unite in a tide of emotional and sensual connection. The emotion is grief and...

Press Play

Press Play

“You can't stop the future. You can't rewind the past. The only way to learn the secret to press play.” Jay Asher This morning, on a crowded subway, I was surrounded by people playing games on phones and listening to music. Everyone was focused and peaceful....



A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer. Ralph Waldo Emerson Bravery, like love, is a commitment from the heart. We are born with powerful intuitive  connections. Bravery isn’t something you seek; it's the dignified part of who...

The Language of Wonder

The Language of Wonder

“Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.” ― Socrates Wonder. Wonder is a quiet, not particularly articulate, part of who we are. The language of wonder does the impossible. It connects us with what is bigger than ourselves by tuning us in to think sensually. Wonder does...



Feeling connections is how you experience the dimensions of sensual thinking. Multidimensional thinking excites us because it opens new choices. It makes us want to taste deeper and love with our eyes open. Step-in to the picture of your life by thinking sensually,...

Momentum and Vitality

Momentum and Vitality

Be inspired, sense more. Life is unpredictable. Tune to the big picture and flow with it. Navigate your adventure spontaneously,  guided by what you sense. Reach out through the galaxies of emotion, time and space, to find connections and love. You will be amazed....



Something is going to happen. You feel it coming. Anticipation is an intuitive nudge. Sense it. Anticipation is part of the sly trickle of living. It’s a confident steady drip of insight  that sparks dreams and creativity. You taste it or get a nudge telling that you...

The Gift

The Gift

What you sense is never random. Einstein said, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind, a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant  and has forgotten the gift.”  Use the gift. Our eyes, ears, taste, touch and smell are...

Nature’s Perspective

Nature’s Perspective

Life is traveling to the edge of knowledge, then leaping off. #DHLawrence We are thinking differently and leaping into the secure arms of Mother Nature. What we sense is never random. Everybody knows change is in the air. We are learning about ourselves. Noticing that...



"If your eyes are open you'll see things worth seeing." ~Rumi To walk with balance, notice what you sense. Fine-tune your decisions with intuitive tools like with dignity, curiosity and courage. Thinking intuitively is search-engine thinking that reveals a...

Natural Protection

Natural Protection

Your 6 senses are a constant natural armor of connection, protection and balance. Intuition is natural protection tuned to our survival instinct. It sharpens our 5 senses enabling us to thrive with change. This is a season of change. Every person, plant and animal is...

Free Love

Free Love

"The subject tonight is Love and for tomorrow as well.." Love answers unspoken questions. Loving reminds us the impossible really does exist. "Your heart and my heart are very, very old friends." Hafiz The beat of our hearts is a cosmic ritual that unites humanity....

Star Power

Star Power

Every atom in your body contains dust of an exploded star. It's time to feel your power. According to scientists, 93% of the mass of our body is stardust. That's why every kind of passion feels like starlight in our veins. Starlight, moonlight and sunlight are lights...



Everyone holds a luminous jewel, a treasure, inside. It is our heart's heart. Humanity is a precious gemstone of weightless energy. Each of us is a unique facet on the gem of humanity. With our individual scuffs and sexy edges, there is constant energy and sparkle....

Intuitive Tools

Intuitive Tools

You are using intuitive tools 24/7.* Intuition is your connection with wisdom. If you're not sure what’s right, ask yourself: What do I feel in my heart? You have the answers. Notice what you sense. Listen for your questions. Your 6th sense, intuition, is your 24/7...

Dance With Freedom

Dance With Freedom

We are born to stretch-out with change. The soul matrix is a place of stagnation. Stay outside of the matrix. It's intuitive to let go of what does not bring positive change. Your heart, soul, mind and spirit are always actively present. Notice what you notice. All...

3 Words

3 Words

"With three words, I can sum up everything I know about Life: It goes on." ~Robert Frost The only thing predictable is change. Everything in your life is part of a bigger picture of what's happening. Living well requires us to stamp a sense of humor on the ticket of...
