The Sound of Silence

The Sound of Silence

Listen.  The sound of silence is the voice of your soul. It’s intuitive drive for harmony and peace that cuts through lies and deceit that threaten you. Energy you sense is the healing ticket to inner balance and the power of Love. From 'fake news' to virtual reality,...

The Excitement of Purpose

The Excitement of Purpose

Purpose is intuition that guides you to make smart decisions. What happens in your mind is private. What takes Life to the next level is passion. Purpose is an intuitive nudge. Sensing purpose is exciting. Sensing is sensual thinking. Sensing reveals purpose and...



Blending energy is human magic. A smile transcends the rational to sense the possible. Smiling is our human way of spreading the intangible spirit of hope. When you see a person without a smile, give them yours. Sometimes a smile is just a smile – other times, it's a...



We are time-sensitive. Sensing time is how we learn what alive feels like. While artificial intelligence strives to be "real", we experience 'real' time.  For us, every moment that passes can never come again. Sensing is cellular spontaneity that separates us from AI....

Touch Soul

Touch Soul

The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware. #HenryMiller Rites of Passage Our world is going through rites of passage.  Sensing what's real is how we are instantly aware. It is the way naturally adapt to...



The human advantage Sensuality is the human advantage. While AI strives hard to be ‘real', we are ‘real Life’. We know what Life feels like. We can know Love. When passion, direction, purpose and Love feel right, we bet on our self and find happiness. Sensuality...

We, the people..

We, the people..

Sensual thinking is code for understanding and driving change. Freedom always matters. It's clear that dignity and humanity balance the scale of justice. Grok what you are told. Anticipate with your senses to understand how things really come together. Look with your...

The Full Experience

The Full Experience

Sensuality delivers to both sides of your brain. Balance is the full experience. What you sense, you can savor and grasp with your mind and feel with heart. You can feel complete. Sensual thinking is the organic strategy to maintain balance and evolve  through...



Intuition is the nudge of soul that curls the edges of our mouths upward. It’s beautiful. The gut feeling is a deeply honest, transcendent, vibrational sensuality pointing us to be our personal best. We are born to exceed the usual limits. Syncing with soul teaches...



You are the dream and the dreamer. Imagining is intuitive backup for creating change. When we imagine with open eyes, ears, mind and heart - we become brave. Even simple dreams require creative courage. We dream when we're happy and when we're sad. Dreaming refreshes...



No event or individual can break the spirit of a person who is dignified. Approach a problem with dignity and your mind is calm. Approach a solution with dignity and there is no problem. Life is amazing.  Trusting inner dignity clears the air. Dignity is our intuitive...

Rhythms of Thanksgiving

Rhythms of Thanksgiving

Gratitude Courage, dignity, and confident beauty are rhythms of Thanks-giving. They are inner music that connects us with the intuitive shine of gratitude. An attitude of gratitude is like a beam of light. The reflection is silent. We are thinking with our senses and...

The Weight of Happiness

The Weight of Happiness

Ever since happiness heard your name, it has been running through the streets trying to find you. ~Hafiz Does happiness chase us? If so, why don't we turn around and embrace it? The weight of happiness is something people don’t talk about... I suppose, if we have diet...

The Bridge Between

The Bridge Between

Love is the bridge between you and everything. #Rumi We are knocked off-balance by the senseless deaths around the world. Stunned by violence and illness, we are forced to reflect and question "why?" The answer is vile. We turn to inner courage for reflection. We...

Stay Connected

Stay Connected

Stay connected with strategies that come from the heart. Life gets tangled. We live through storms and don't know how long they will last. Tangles turn into knots. We may blame ourselves. When the big picture gets lost, passions fade. Stay untangled. Notice what you...



Temptation is a tease. You are stronger than temptation. Think with your eyes, listen with your heart. Depend on courage, dignity and curiosity to stay tuned to what matters. When you feel the pull of temptation, talk less and sense more. We are surrounded by...



Touch is cosmic love that we crave. Touch is food for the soul. Everything important must be felt. We are born hungry for the touch of freedom, healing, justice, love and peace. Touch is the multidimensional way we connect with what matters. It's how we satisfy...

Denying Tribalism

Denying Tribalism

Be part of the light. It's a wonderful place to be. Prejudice promoted by tribalism is the leading isolating, destructive force in our world. Arrogance and violence are its hallmarks. By acting intuitively and thinking sensually, we can deny tribalism in our...

Sensual Healing

Sensual Healing

Thinking sensually renews original bonds with life. Sensual healing is always happening. When we connect what we sense with what we feel and know, it's instinctive to tune-in to optimum health. Sometimes it's common sense, like washing your hands. Because living is a...

Be kind to yourself.

Be kind to yourself.

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. #DalaiLama Kindness is the touch of love. Love is passion for living that is everywhere, but you can only find it by noticing what you sense. Kindness sparks healing and happiness. Love grows. You have natural...

Pope Francis

Pope Francis

Love and Courage appear in many forms. Vibrant global change transcends politics, religions and geography. No matter who you are, it takes huge courage to defy the system. The Pope is a man of courage and faith. Courage is intuitive confidence and a spiritual...



There is absolutely no inevitability as long as there is a willingness to contemplate what is happening ~ Marshall McLuhan Awareness is a choice. Prejudice is willful ignorance that brings hunger and suffering around the globe. Notice what you see and hear and you...

Soul Confidence

Soul Confidence

Intuition is the balancing magic of our survival instinct. We live on a high wire of change and can fall any time. Overload is sending signals to our DNA that we need to adapt. We protect ourselves and find new solutions. We use what we sense to enrich and enhance our...

Soul Thinking

Soul Thinking

Our frame of mind is full of soul.  We all share an edge. It is intuitive, sensual, spontaneous and global. This is a big change from our dogma driven-past. It's making some people uncomfortable. Sensual thinking keeps us connected with soul in unexpected ways. Notice...

Natural Reality

Natural Reality

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.~ Rumi Sensual thinking is the body/heart/soul walk on the field of truth. The truth renews us. It is where we re-connect with curiosity and desire. Natural reality is an...



Courage is the intimate part of what turns us on and keeps us connected with the truth. It is the intuitive lifeline that keeps connections open. Courage is part of the hidden spiritual agenda of living. It has nothing to do with words.  It's our intuitive commitment...

I know you.

I know you.

"The quest not only begins in the heart, but also ends there." Paul Brunton Sensual thinking keeps us holding hands. While our intuitive 6th sense keeps us in touch with bravery and wonder, our 5 senses take us there. Everything you sense equally reports with...

Life is short.

Life is short.

Your potential is peaking now. Don't do anything that feels wrong. Notice what you sense. Intuitive answers only guide choices that reward your spirit. Choose every day to have the time of your life! Life is short. Feel with your mind. When you ignore what feels...

Don’t think.

Don’t think.

Beauty is not rational. Neither is intuition or Love. "Thinking" is overrated. Don't be so busy thinking, you miss what's right in front of your eyes. Life morphs faster than the wind and is deeper than the ocean. Be sensual. This is your time. Don't let "thinking"...

The Unexpected

The Unexpected

Open your heart and time will hold you like a lover. The unexpected is the intuitive advantage. Life is laced with outrageous choices and freedoms. We reinvent ourself every day because no 2 days are the same. If you're not happy, think less and sense more. If you...
