Alone together.
The Subject is Always Love Alone together there is a tenderness we share. So much is changing and still, love is in the air. photo: Tobias Beharrell Sheltering in place, we reach out for comfort along electric highways. We find connection, defy isolation and keep...

Looking For Answers
If you thought you were stressed 4 weeks ago...LOL It's a new world. We are the change. The stress is real. We're handling it with incredible dignity and grace. I am proud to be a New Yorker. There's an elegance behind the masks. People everywhere are adapting with...

Think about healing.
We are here to help each other get through this thing, whatever it is. And when we do, it will be great. Change is not a choice. Transformation depends on timing. Our world needs to transform. It's time to think about healing. Be kind. Kindness can push through...

Kiss The Sky
We are wired for self-repair. An intuitive nudge is the insight that answers to a highest power. When your mind gets jammed, listen to your gut. Intuition is perspective that keeps Life in focus. Sometimes it's time to take a break, and kiss the sky. We...

Start a conversation.
Start a conversation. Open dialog to focus on where we are, what we need and innovative ways to make the world a better place for all life. Lead with your powerful soul. Leaders and lovers bring out the best in others. You are a leader. Be passionate and gentle. Be a...

2020 Life is one long road with lots of signs. So when you're riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake up and live. #BobMarley Lit. 2020 is lit with signs. Sit...

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. #MayaAngelo You are never invisible. Actions you choose – even simple ones like recycling, smoking or being polite – are meaningful and will...

Natural Soul
There is soul within me that no man can degrade. #FredrickDouglas Freedom. Natural soul is the breath of inner freedom that cannot be contained. It is a barely perceptible breeze that makes us friendly. Every soul tunes to dreams, destiny and rituals of loving. Turn...

The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion. #AlbertCamus Today corruption, destruction, suffering and appalling ignorance force us to rebel. Don't fall into old ways of change that are...

Portal of Change
We live in a portal of change. Our collective energy collides around the world. It's impossible to comprehend, yet natural to feel. Inside the portal is the adventure. It's often challenging. Turn reactions into action for humanity. Concentrate on being rational and...

Stay Satisfied
Intuition is wonderful inborn vitality driving us to sync with change. Changing with time and circumstances is our human skill of reinvention. Use it to overcome apathy, inertia, stress and anxiety. Don't be boxed in. Intuitively you know how to get satisfaction....

Say The Word
Love is a power word. Saying 'love' brings energy and meaning to Life. Love is the bridge over troubled waters and the light in your eyes. Turn it on. Whenever you feel afraid or uncertain, be loyal to yourself and say ‘the word’. You will find it...

No Permission Required
Innovations and unexpected change are whiplash rewiring our brains. We have different options than ever before. No one controls your mind but you. That's power. It's yours. You do not need permission to think for yourself. Every day, as your body and mind go through...

Everybody knows.
Everybody knows how to breathe. Take a deep breath in and a long slow exhale to balance your body/mind/heart /soul. Everybody knows how good that feels. Feel good. We're living in unpredictable times. "Everybody knows that the dice are loaded. Everybody rolls with...

Peace of mind is priceless.
Trust where your spirit leads. You are born complete and to be truly happy. Honor Life. Personal power is your personal responsibility. Everything changes. That's what life is about. Freedom, justice, morality and purpose are always relevant. They matter...

Nostalgia is an intuitive nudge with a profound emotional echo. It has a gentle tenderness, like bathing in a faded truth. A flicker of inner light sparks something, a moment in time that deeply matters to you. For a quick-taste, you are there again. Intuition drives...

The Story
The story is not logical. It is not orderly or mechanical. Life is unpredictable. The unexpected and impossible happen. We are born with dreams and driven by desire. Lots of things that aren’t logical feel incredibly right. Love is often breathtaking – but not...

Taste Life.
Sensing makes the ordinary extraordinary. The uniquely human thrill of tasting life is the buffer zone between you and stress. Follow shadows with your eyes. Taste flavors, feel textures, inhale a passing fragrance, touch lips. Sensing and stress are not compatible....

Today is uniquely satisfying in ways that nothing else can touch. Enjoy your moments. Let your mind find purpose, humor and longing. Let love light you up. Taste happiness and understanding. Be honorable. With peace in your heart. You will sleep well tonight. This...

Life is not shy. From the obscure to the outrageous, it's demanding, it's adventure. Sometimes there's an exquisite madness and we can only talk about Love. Feeling the flow is knowing the pleasure. Sensing connections keeps satisfaction happening. You are energy...

The Sound of Silence
Listen. The sound of silence is the voice of your soul. It’s intuitive drive for harmony and peace that cuts through lies and deceit that threaten you. Energy you sense is the healing ticket to inner balance and the power of Love. From 'fake news' to virtual reality,...

The Excitement of Purpose
Purpose is intuition that guides you to make smart decisions. What happens in your mind is private. What takes Life to the next level is passion. Purpose is an intuitive nudge. Sensing purpose is exciting. Sensing is sensual thinking. Sensing reveals purpose and...

Blending energy is human magic. A smile transcends the rational to sense the possible. Smiling is our human way of spreading the intangible spirit of hope. When you see a person without a smile, give them yours. Sometimes a smile is just a smile – other times, it's a...

We are time-sensitive. Sensing time is how we learn what alive feels like. While artificial intelligence strives to be "real", we experience 'real' time. For us, every moment that passes can never come again. Sensing is cellular spontaneity that separates us from AI....

Touch Soul
The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware. #HenryMiller Rites of Passage Our world is going through rites of passage. Sensing what's real is how we are instantly aware. It is the way naturally adapt to...

The human advantage Sensuality is the human advantage. While AI strives hard to be ‘real', we are ‘real Life’. We know what Life feels like. We can know Love. When passion, direction, purpose and Love feel right, we bet on our self and find happiness. Sensuality...

We, the people..
Sensual thinking is code for understanding and driving change. Freedom always matters. It's clear that dignity and humanity balance the scale of justice. Grok what you are told. Anticipate with your senses to understand how things really come together. Look with your...

The Full Experience
Sensuality delivers to both sides of your brain. Balance is the full experience. What you sense, you can savor and grasp with your mind and feel with heart. You can feel complete. Sensual thinking is the organic strategy to maintain balance and evolve through...

Intuition is the nudge of soul that curls the edges of our mouths upward. It’s beautiful. The gut feeling is a deeply honest, transcendent, vibrational sensuality pointing us to be our personal best. We are born to exceed the usual limits. Syncing with soul teaches...

You are the dream and the dreamer. Imagining is intuitive backup for creating change. When we imagine with open eyes, ears, mind and heart - we become brave. Even simple dreams require creative courage. We dream when we're happy and when we're sad. Dreaming refreshes...