Make the choice to be plugged-in to what is genuine. Make the choice to be plugged-in to what is genuine. Choices you make based on how you think today will bring a new quality of living for us and our planet tomorrow. Be bold. Be curious. Talk less, sense more. Think...

Humor Challenge
Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of congress, but then I repeat myself. #MarkTwain Humor challenges us Live with spirit, and not take ourselves or life too seriously. Everything changes and the impossible happens. A good joke is a stress...

Changing Problems
Life is like a huge banquet. We pick up what we hope is delicious but sometimes it's a problem, and we need to spit it out. Thinking with your senses is a quick immediate reality check; feeling with your mind guides you toward long-term satisfaction. Instead of...

Having a Bad Day
Everything changes. The simplest way to keep an open mind is to recognize that whether the glass is half-empty or half-full, more can always be added. Make the choice to be open to receive what you want, not what you fear. Trusting values is surprisingly empowering....

Everything is music.
Everything we do is music. .. Everyone is in the best seat. #JohnCage Music used to be considered Holy. Definitely it is Soul. We don't see sound waves or good vibrations, but we get the invisible message. Life is rhythm and soul. Reality is every kind of...

Feel With Your Mind #2
Feeling with your mind is an authentic energy boost. Feeling with your mind keeps you in touch with character and your passions. That's how sensual thinking manages the chaos of living. It keeps you balanced, because in the deepest center of each of us, we feel - we...

Connect with Desire
A person connected with their desires lights up the room. Ask anyone living their dream and they will tell you that it feels like truth or magic or faith. The 'truth' is something we feel and no matter how much the words may change, everyone can recognize it....

From The Heart
When conversation comes from the heart, it’s laced with passion and feels exciting. Imagine every casual conversation coming from your heart! This happy thought connects with personal power we experience as charisma. When we honor our hearts by respecting ourselves,...

Connect with Power
Sensual thinking is being in step with change. Change connects with passion and power. Being in step keeps the present in perspective and we stay in rhythm with our dreams. Staying in-sync with personal quality opens doors to satisfaction you deserve and want....

Feed Your Head
We are a world of sensual thinkers. Thanks to computer technology we're focusing with our hands, eyes and ears. We're tuning into the power of touching gently. It's changing the way we communicate and feeding our heads. We feed our heads intuitively by thinking with...
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