

 Simple is what we sense. "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." Confucius Simple stuff to consider: You can see things more clearly, taste more to eat less, touch to renew your spirit, smell and be amazed, and hear humor, music, love and...

Feel With Your Mind

Feel With Your Mind

I got a text: Follow the Fellow Who Follows a Dream. Could dreams be feeling with your mind? Are they possibly a REM-level workout that keeps your brain healthy? If you think so, Dream On and then Follow Your Dream. It's easy to connect with what you really feel with...

Mental Bondage

Mental Bondage

Feel what you notice with your heart/body/soul/mind. Vibrations Sensing what feels good is intuitive drive for personal freedom. In our busy lives, old ways of thinking make us prisoners to an invisible matrix of ideas where we feel stuck or not sure about what's...

Three Ways of Patience

Three Ways of Patience

Have attitude like Gandhi. Live your dream like MLK. Think with your senses. Feel with your mind. Sensing what you value is how to think different. It's good judgment. "The hope of a secure and livable world lies with the disciplined non-conformists who are dedicated...

Compassion and Relationship

Compassion and Relationship

Compassion is intuitive connection that nourishes relationships the way oxygen fuels fire. Sensual thinking is personal power that enhances natural connections. In romantic relationships, compassion keeps it ‘hot' by tuning-in to what you sense. Compassion feels like...

Hit With Attitude

Hit With Attitude

Do you ever get hit with attitude?  Attitude is the way you text your personality. It is shorthand communication for your personal energy. Attitudes create boundaries that are safety zones, seduction zones or war zones. Because we are physical beings, everything we...

Find options.

Find options.

Make history. Use change to make life better. Think outside the box because there is no box. Turn dead ends into revolving doors. Using your senses is the difference between walking into a bakery with a stuffed nose or entering because you smell something good....

Taking Back The Future

Taking Back The Future

Our responsibility is to heal our planet and ourselves. Every person and every form of Life matters. We are taking back the future. We breathe the same air and drink same water. That makes us globally one. As we work together to heal our planet, we heal ourselves....

Compassion and Family

Compassion and Family

Compassion. We all need it. Compassion is a kind of heart powered magic that we each have inside. It keeps us strong. To have a healthy world and healthy family,  notice hunger - your own and that of others. Everywhere there is hunger for compassion, humor and faith....

Hear the truth.

Hear the truth.

Take A Walk On The Wild Side I purchased a JBL bluetooth speaker. The packaging said: Hear The Truth. It sounds easy. The catch 22 is, we have to listen with our mind, heart and ears to hear it. We have to be bold. The truth is powerful, whether we acknowledge it or...

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