Adventure and Risk

Adventure and Risk

Don't deny your need for adventure or risk because you took a wrong turn in the past. Being sensual is not passive. The past is an intersection you've already crossed. The path you need is ahead. Have adventures. Create your life. Don't compare your "risk" with...

Thinking sensually.

Thinking sensually.

Fine-tuning your senses keeps you lit. Sensual thinking turns up the wattage. Our senses link us with each other. Thinking sensually connects with what you ache for. When you are aware of what you sense, it’s suddenly sensible to be a fool for love. Why not go beyond...

The Best Valentine’s Present

The Best Valentine’s Present

It's Valentine's Day. Be present. The best Valentine's day present... Sensual thinking is syncing with the present while keeping clear about the big picture. It's multitasking you were born to do. Thinking sensually is being in touch with the constant amazement and...

The Confidence Connection

The Confidence Connection

Confidence is inner certainty you feel with your heart. Don't be afraid to think with your senses and feel with your mind. An athlete wins a race with her mind on the goal and pure sensual focus on the moment. Confidence is a mind/heart connection. It's inner balance...

There can be justice.

There can be justice.

Je Suis Charlie / "I can't breathe." * Seeking justice is our intuitive way of healing ourselves. Justice connects with inner harmony. That's why injustice feels personal. It tears at us. We feel it. Around the world, injustice unites us to act. We are each angels...

Rest More (for freedom)

Rest More (for freedom)

Every day the rising sun brings a rhythm change; so does freedom. Freedom for everyone on this earth requires awareness, altruism and action that resonates with responsibilities and rest.  Responsibilities are the path of living. Altruism always connects with...

Lead a Horse to Water.

Lead a Horse to Water.

"You can lead a horse to water. But you can't make it drink." This 12th century proverb means: you can present someone an opportunity but cannot force them to take advantage of it. Knowledge, like water, is a refreshing, vitalizing force. You can lead someone to...

Stamp your ticket for change.

Stamp your ticket for change.

The truth has a positive invisible influence on all of us. Everyone feels it. Change is constant but not predictable. Notice what you sense. It's liberating and easy to tune-in to the intuitive truth by feeling dignity, courage or curiosity. Every time you do this,...

Under Your Skin

Under Your Skin

Attitude and character are right under our skin. That's why, when something gets under your skin, you're not supposed to ignore it. What you feel is your unique inner voice. It's the DNA-ordained connection with your heart and conscience that vibrates with the energy...

The Power of Innocence

The Power of Innocence

Innocence speaks the language of the naked truth. It is our connection with courage and change. Severn Cullis-Suzuki is an environmental activist who gave this speech at the UN Earth Summit of 1992, when she was only 12 years old. Listen to it. Feel the passion of...

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