

No event or individual can break the spirit of a person who is dignified. Approach a problem with dignity and your mind is calm. Approach a solution with dignity and there is no problem. Life is amazing.  Trusting inner dignity clears the air. Dignity is our intuitive...

Rhythms of Thanksgiving

Rhythms of Thanksgiving

Gratitude Courage, dignity, and confident beauty are rhythms of Thanks-giving. They are inner music that connects us with the intuitive shine of gratitude. An attitude of gratitude is like a beam of light. The reflection is silent. We are thinking with our senses and...

The Weight of Happiness

The Weight of Happiness

Ever since happiness heard your name, it has been running through the streets trying to find you. ~Hafiz Does happiness chase us? If so, why don't we turn around and embrace it? The weight of happiness is something people don’t talk about... I suppose, if we have diet...

The Bridge Between

The Bridge Between

Love is the bridge between you and everything. #Rumi We are knocked off-balance by the senseless deaths around the world. Stunned by violence and illness, we are forced to reflect and question "why?" The answer is vile. We turn to inner courage for reflection. We...

Stay Connected

Stay Connected

Stay connected with strategies that come from the heart. Life gets tangled. We live through storms and don't know how long they will last. Tangles turn into knots. We may blame ourselves. When the big picture gets lost, passions fade. Stay untangled. Notice what you...



Temptation is a tease. You are stronger than temptation. Think with your eyes, listen with your heart. Depend on courage, dignity and curiosity to stay tuned to what matters. When you feel the pull of temptation, talk less and sense more. We are surrounded by...



Touch is cosmic love that we crave. Touch is food for the soul. Everything important must be felt. We are born hungry for the touch of freedom, healing, justice, love and peace. Touch is the multidimensional way we connect with what matters. It's how we satisfy...

Denying Tribalism

Denying Tribalism

Be part of the light. It's a wonderful place to be. Prejudice promoted by tribalism is the leading isolating, destructive force in our world. Arrogance and violence are its hallmarks. By acting intuitively and thinking sensually, we can deny tribalism in our...

Sensual Healing

Sensual Healing

Thinking sensually renews original bonds with life. Sensual healing is always happening. When we connect what we sense with what we feel and know, it's instinctive to tune-in to optimum health. Sometimes it's common sense, like washing your hands. Because living is a...

Be kind to yourself.

Be kind to yourself.

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. #DalaiLama Kindness is the touch of love. Love is passion for living that is everywhere, but you can only find it by noticing what you sense. Kindness sparks healing and happiness. Love grows. You have natural...

Be The Change.

Be The Change.

Change is a natural fact of living. That doesn't mean we understand it. A lot of what we don't understand, we accept, such as, how people are born or that the ocean is salty, or having a bad night's sleep or getting a broken heart. We know, at our core, we can control...

The Power of Choice

The Power of Choice

Your choices matter. Use courage to drive your thinking. The freedom to choose is the foundation of all freedoms. Luck and chance pay a huge role in our lives. Keep in touch with these is by connecting with intuition and self-discipline. With an open mind you can see...

Be The Change.

Having options.

Stay open to possibilities by using your senses, including common sense. An open mind is open eyes that stop tunnel vision and bring new options to old problems. If you aren't open to thinking differently, even good intentions can be a waste of time. Universal values...

The Power of Choice

Life is rich.

Life has many seasons. Every year we find renewal in the spring. Spring makes it obvious that Life is rich.  Feel the change. Your magnificent potential is blossoming. Intuitive mind-body connections that bring anticipation or wonder are good. Live to the fullest. You...

Be The Change.

Defense of Texting

A 'Happening' is a great, big, multimedia party with a theme, where people come to experience the message. It always involves audience participation in an atmosphere of community, enthusiasm and purpose. I am so excited to share Sensual Thinking that  steam is coming...

Be The Change.

Soul Texting

Soul texting is 360° Sensual Thinking. It makes you sparkle. When you communicate what you sense with courage and dignity, you're powered by a new dimension of alertness that brings out natural charisma. Soul texting gets results you want. It's the intuitive way to...

Multi-Media Thinking & MLK

Multi-Media Thinking & MLK

Survival demands that we grapple with problems that humanity has been trying to deal with through history. ~ Martin Luther King Intuitive values are our global, personal and natural way to answer change. Depend on courage, dignity and tenacity when things seem...
